Hello my beauties! How are you on this gloomy day? :) Today I thought I would show you some new polishes that have joined my (growing) collection. I've showed them to you in my
December's HAUL post, but here are some more up-close pictures with swatches, so you can get a better idea how they actually look. :) I have to say I'm really happy with all of them...
Essie Instant Hot |
Essie Absolutely Shore |
Essie Hors d'Oeuvres |
I really love Essie nail polishes... I've managed to accumulate 10 of them already (I'll be doing a post featuring all of them, soon). :) Even though these three are the 'American' version of Essie polishes (with the thinner brush, maybe a different formula?), I hadn't had any problems with application and I'm still wearing Instant Hot after 7 days and it's looking great. :) Both Instant Hot and Absolutely Shore are on the sheer side so you do need at least 2 coats to get some opacity, but I really don't mind that.
Ciate Cookies and Cream |
China Glaze Lorelei's Tiara |
Nails Inc Knightsbridge Road Galaxy |
The other three polishes I decided to pick up are all from different brands - Ciate, China Glaze and Nails Inc. Cookies and Cream from Ciate is a very well known nude polish, so I just had to get it. I haven't worn it yet, but I do like the shade and I can't wait to put it on my nails. :) My
Ciate nail polish collection is also steadily growing and I have so many more on my wishlist.
I had my eyes on Lorelei's Tiara for quite some time and finally snatched it (got it for an awesome price too). It's just such a wonderful glitter polish. This is my first China Glaze polish, though I doubt it will be my last. :)
Last but not least is the Nails Inc polish in Knightsbridge Road Galaxy. This polish is from their new Galaxy collection (I think there are two or three more polishes in this collection). It's just such a unique glitter polish, really galactic. :) This is my third nail polish from Nails Inc and all three I have are glittery - I guess Nails Inc really knows how to do glitter. :D
L to R: Knightsbridge Road Galaxy, Lorelei's Tiara, Hors d'Oeuvres, Cookies and Cream, Absolutely Shore, Instant Hot |
L to R: Knightsbridge Road Galaxy, Lorelei's Tiara, Hors d'Oeuvres, Cookies and Cream, Absolutely Shore, Instant Hot |
the glitter polishes - Knightsbridge Road Galaxy, Lorelei's Tiara, Hors d'Oeuvres |
the creme polishes - Cookies and Cream, Absolutely Shore, Instant Hot |
So here they are... What do you think of them? Which ones are your favorites? Own any of them? :)
Joj teli nebleščičasti so mi vsi ful všeč, kot sladoled :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiSo lepi a ne? :D A bleščasti ti pa niso (hehe)... Sej vem, da niso za vse bleščičasti, ampak jaz jih obožujem - can't have too many. :D
IzbrišiZa bleščičaste se ne morem odločit, če so tako če to plastiko :D To pol vidim, ko daš še kak lak odspodi ;) Drugač tud js nosim bleščice ;)
IzbrišiAja... načeloma so enaki potem na nohtih, čez kakšno 'podlago' (ponavadi uporabim bel ali nek nude lak), so pa še lepši. :D
IzbrišiEssie - Hors d'Oeuvres <3
OdgovoriIzbrišiA ne da? :) Malo je podoben Ciate Antique Brooch, samo da ima Essiejev zlato-srebrno kombinacijo, Ciate pa zlato-pink. :D
IzbrišiOh sami lepi!<3 x
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala! Res so lepi... :)
IzbrišiSami lepotci! Vse po vrsti bi imela! :) <3
OdgovoriIzbrišiker vem, da spremlješ moj blog, ti pošiljam nov link, saj sem spremenila naslov in če še vedno želiš spremljati moj blog, še enkrat označi spremljaj, ker drugače ti blogger ne bo prikazoval novih objav. Hvala <3 (www.madabout-red.blogspot.com)
So lepi a ne? :D
IzbrišiSem videla na Facebook-u ja... ;)
Rabim Essie Absolutely Shore. So preeety :) Čeprav so vsi lepi :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiA ne da? Taka nežno zelena/minty... :)
IzbrišiSe pridružujem Mateji, s tem da js rabim še Cookies and Cream :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiHehe... :D
IzbrišiI really loved Essie Hors d'Oeuvres and Nails Inc Knightsbridge Road Galaxy! They look super gorgeous *-*
OdgovoriIzbrišiThey really are! I need to do a manicure with Knightsbridge Road Galaxy soon... :D