Hello my lovelies! Today I'd like to talk to you about a brand that's got me hooked - L'Occitane. I haven't paid much attention to it over the years I've been blogging but ever since I was invited to try out one of their new lines (link to that post here), I've been buying and trying more and more things from them and so far I have not been disappointed. :)
Today though, I'd like to talk to you about their delicious, divine smelling, Amande or almond skin care line. I know, what I'm showing you are just a few products not the entire line but still... as I'll be talking about more product and not just one, I thought it was appropriate. This was a set that was available quite a few months back for an amazing price of 20€ and my best friend was kind enough and got it for me on my birthday. :)
Shower oil - This is one of their cult products and one that was on my wishlist for a really, really long time (thanks to Mateja). I wasn't disappointed with this product but I have to say I wasn't blown away by it either. I think I was expecting a bit too much from it. Don't get me wrong... it's a lovely shower oil, it smells absolutely divine but I just end up using it too damn quickly and since it has quite a hefty price tag, I don't see myself buying it anytime soon. I probably had this mini, 75 ml bottle for 2, maybe 3 washes.
Delicious paste (body scrub) - Now this was a real surprise... I wasn't expecting to love this product since body scrubs usually don't impress me much but this one is just delicious (see what I did there?). :) I love the texture of it - it's just the right consistency, not too hard and not so soft that it doesn't really do any scrubbing (you know those scrubs that don't really do anything?). And the smell is awesome as it is through the whole line - warm, sweet, almondy. :) I thought I would use it up all it once but surprisingly it lasted for quite a few washes. I would definitely repurchase it even though it has a very hefty price tag (almost 34€ for 200 ml).
Delicious hands (hand cream) - Another winner! A beautiful hand cream that smells... yup, divine. :) It has a great, light consistency and absorbs really quickly but leaves your hands feeling super moisturized. I have it on my night stand and use it before going to bed... love it!
Velvet balm (body cream) - I got 5 samples of this gorgeous body cream/lotion and I have to say, it really does feel like velvet... It has a bit of a lighter consistency and a different scent than the 'original' Milk concentrate. I prefer the original but this one is just as great. Again, the price is pretty up there (almost 50€ for 200 ml) and that's the only reason I don't see myself repurchasing it anytime soon... though I'd love to get it as a gift (Christmas is right around the corner, right?). :)
So that's my take on these wonderful products... have you tried any of them, what are your thoughts? :D
Kar se tiče navdušenja nad L'Occitane..sem ista! :D Prej nisem toliko pozornosti posvečala njihovim izdelkom, ampak od kar smo blogerke bile vabljene na nego obraza, pa se je to precej spremenilo. Sploh nad CC kremo in meglico Popolna potonika sem navdušena.
OdgovoriIzbrišiSem pa ravno danes kupila nekaj iz njihove prihajajoče linije Melting Honey in že komaj čakam, da sprobam, ZELO diši. Res majo edinstvene kolekcije in embalaže, škoda le, da so izdelki kar dragi.
Tudi ta linija je ena od tistih, ki še jo hočem sprobat. Zaenkrat sem probala le to slavno olje za tuširanje in tudi meni ni ravno spodneslo tal pod nogami. Je fajn, ampak sem mislila, da bo bolj bogate in vlažilne teksture, poleg tega pa se res zelo hitro porabi. Škoda.
Naslednje na mojem seznamu za nakup pa so kreme za roke, ki so itak zelo hvaljene. :))
Moraš sprobati vsaj kremico za roke ali pa piling za telo iz Mandljeve linije, sem sigurna, da ti bosta všeč. :) Melting Honey je pa tudi mene navdušila in imam vse izdelke razen pilinga...
IzbrišiJaz sem kar s tabo in Sandro, vedno bolj navdušena :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiSicer pa meni je ta krema za telo zakon, za roke isto se pa nebi branla če bi bla bolj hranilna..da gela za tuširanje niti omenjam ne :D
Še piling bi morala preizkusit, če ti je krema všeč oz. na splošno ta linija. ;)
IzbrišiMeni je Loccitane zakon, že ful let ga kupujem in mislim, da ne bom nikoli nehala, vsaka kolekcija je boljša in diši, kreme so pa sploh zakon:)
OdgovoriIzbrišiSe strinjam! :D
IzbrišiOhhh meni je la za tusirat svetovni, ga res malo porabim. Pa tako mehko kozo imam potem. Sem razmisljala da bi cez zimo investirala v full size. Malo za razvajanje :) me kr pogreje vonj :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiMeni je olje za tuširanje sicer všeč in zelo lepo diši, ampak sem malo več pričakovala od njega... pa ker ga tako hitro porabim res ne morem upravičiti nakupa. :S
IzbrišiLooks good, but haven't tried one.. Will have to I guess! xoxo
OdgovoriIzbrišiVisit me: http://naturallymarcela.blogspot.si/2015/09/high-end-lipstick-1.html
You need to try at least one product from this line, I'm sure you'll love it... :D
IzbrišiMeni se olje za tuširanje zdi tudi preveč hyped-up, sem pa popolnoma navdušena nad pilingom in ga bom definitivno kupila. Zdaj zelo šparam tega malega, haha :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiPiling je zakon... me mika da bi kar veliko pakungo kupila. :D