Hello darlings! I thought it was about time to update you on my pregnancy progress. I'll be 27 weeks tomorrow (how time flies!) so I can tell you what's been going on with me and baby between weeks 20-25. :) And again, I try my best to sum up everything, but if you have any particular questions, don't hesitate to ask.
Week 20 - The halfway point! I couldn't really believe I was 20 weeks along when the 'day came'. It seemed like I found out I was pregnant just a little while ago... :) In general week 20 was pretty uneventful - I was still fighting off that nasty bug but was feeling quite fine.
Week 21 - I finally had my morphology scan and it was amazing! Our baby looked like a real baby and not a cross between a human and an alien anymore (you can see the beautiful sonogram picture we got). Everything was great but we couldn't find out the sex. The doctor told us he might be a boy but we shouldn't bet on it... so we're kind of leaning towards a boy but are going for neutral everything at the same time. :) Other than that I felt great and babies kicks were getting stronger and more frequent every day.
Week 22 - Hubby and I were getting the nursery ready and doing a bunch of 'renovation' around the flat, so it was a busy week. Unfortunately it was also the week when my round ligament pain was at its worst - I had to sit down often and couldn't really walk for longer periods of time. Also the top part of my belly felt really tight and a bit uncomfortable because of all the growing and stretching going on. Oh, and heartburn became a regular thing as well, which I wasn't a fan of.
Week 23 - Temperatures had risen and my body wasn't really happy with that - I was sweating like a crazy person just by sitting behind my computer. :S I also started to notice my fingers and ankles swell up a bit after a long day or when I walked/stood a lot, which was a new thing for me. Ligament pain was a bit better and in general I felt pretty great. Babies kicks were also getting stronger and stronger. :)
Week 24 - I felt REALLY pregnant this whole week. Ligament pain was back with a vengeance, along with some digestive problems. Not my favorite week but nothing I couldn't deal with. :)
Week 25 - And then came sweet, sweet week 25. I felt amazing this whole week, most of the time someone would have to remind I me was pregnant if it weren't for my ever expanding belly. :) Of course I did look pregnant before but I felt like I really 'popped' during this week and now suddenly everyone was looking at my belly and asking me about my pregnancy. It kind of surprised me that I actually wasn't too excited to talk about my pregnancy with strangers, even though I'm so happy to be pregnant and am a very sociable person in general. I love to talk about my pregnancy with my friends, especially the pregnant ones, but when a stranger asks me about it I feel like they're invading my 'happy bubble'. I know, it sounds a bit strange... but that's how I felt and still feel. :)
I'm in my third trimester now and almost 7 months pregnant and I can't wait to meet this little one. :) I've been feeling great the past few weeks with little to no pains and I have to say I'm really enjoying this time (I know it's going to get tougher and tougher when my belly gets bigger and bigger).
Babies kicks are the most amazing thing ever and even though I still listen to his/her heartbeat at least once a week, I don't feel the need as much because I get reassured that everything is fine, just by feeling the little monster move inside me. :) Daddy is also loving my big belly and has had a few lucky occasions where he felt the baby kick and actually saw my belly 'moving around'. All in all we couldn't be happier.
Babies kicks are the most amazing thing ever and even though I still listen to his/her heartbeat at least once a week, I don't feel the need as much because I get reassured that everything is fine, just by feeling the little monster move inside me. :) Daddy is also loving my big belly and has had a few lucky occasions where he felt the baby kick and actually saw my belly 'moving around'. All in all we couldn't be happier.
OdgovoriIzbrišiČudovit post, komaj čakam na novega in da ga tudi me spoznamo! :)
Vesela zate, ful. <3
Hvala ti! <3
IzbrišiSe že na sliki opazi kako se ti je zaoblil trebuh :) Je pa super slišat, da vse lepo poteka :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiHehe, v zadnjih dveh tednih se je še precej bolj zaoblil... se zdaj vsak teden pozna razlika. :D In pa hvala, sem zelo srečna, da imam popolnoma neproblematično nosečnost. :)
IzbrišiKako je fino slišat, da se že boljše počutiš :) Od bratranca punca je v 8. mesecu, točno čez mesec ima rok in ji v nedeljo pripravljamo baby shower (ona seveda čisto nič ne ve o tem). Tako lepe stvari smo našle in naredile za dekoracijo :) Bom verjetno dala kaj na instagram, ampak naredile smo voziček iz plenic, pa tako plastično krono smo ji kupile kje piše Mom to be, .... Moja sestrična (a.k.a. teta to be :D) je čisto excited.
OdgovoriIzbrišiOoooo... <3 Meni je tudi ta ideja všeč, ampak kaj ko sem vbistvu že vse dobila in bi bilo malo odveč, da na babyshower dobim spet reči - razen če bi se šlo samo za zabavo. :D
IzbrišiIiiiii <3. Kako lepo!
Izbrišijuuj, kak jaz obožujem vse nosečke ki jih poznam. Da pa lahko to spremljam, pa je čista poezija.
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala! ;)