Hello lovelies! Today I decided to show you my (one and only) blush from Sleek in the shade Rose Gold. As you can see from the different/old background, the photos were taken quite a while ago but I just didn't get around to write this post. For a while I was even thinking about not posting anything, because to be honest I just didn't feel like writing about this blush. You see... I kind of have a love-hate relationship with this blush. I kind of love it and I kind of don't. I know... so vague. I'll let you know more. :)
I got this blush because I saw some gorgeous swatches of it and it was supposed to be a dupe for Nars Orgasm (which it is not - check out this comparison). As you can (hopefully) see from the pictures above and bellow, this is a stunning blush. The name Rose Gold suits it to a T. When I first got it and opened it my jaw dropped and I started drooling a little (just kidding!). No, seriously... I was amazed at its beauty. I still think it's gorgeous but it's not necessarily a blush I like wearing the most.
The problem I have with this blush is that it's just too gold and too shimmery for my taste. I tried applying it with two different brushes - when I was applying it with my Real Techniques Blush brush it looked fine, the shimmer was not so noticeable, but the color was not really that noticeable either. Even so, I liked the look. A couple of weeks ago, I decided to use a different brush (just a regular, no brand blush brush with natural hairs) and it really seemed to pick up a lot of product. The color was more visible on the skin, but so was the golden shimmer - a bit too visible. It wasn't like a sheen, it was glittery and that's a big no-no in my mind.
I noticed I started neglecting this blush lately and that's because I just don't want to look like a Christmas tree decoration. I mean... it's really not that bad, I can make it work but most of the time I just don't have the patience really, so I tend to reach for my other blushes far more. The fact that I mostly wear shimmery eyeshadows and quite bold eye looks, makes this blush even less appealing to me - can't have shimmer all over my face, now can I? :)
Like I said... it's a gorgeous blush and I certainly won't be giving it away, I'll use it from to time... but I know I'll use others way more.
Have you tried this blush, what are your thoughts on it? Which is your favorite blush? :)
Koooook je lep :))
OdgovoriIzbrišiSamo nevem če se nebi preveč svetil za moje pojme... Ampak je tok lep!
I know... Ful lepo zgleda, ampak je preveč svetleč na obrazu. :S
IzbrišiThank is such a gorgeous pigmented colour!
It is really pretty indeed... I just don't like how shimmery it looks on the cheeks. :D
Izbrišii think is wonderful :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiblog she.is.the.one
I know, it looks stunning right? :)
IzbrišiFul je lep <3
OdgovoriIzbrišiRes je! :D
IzbrišiRes je hkrati čudovit in malo težek za nosit, samo jaz ga ponavadi malo 'umirim' s pudrom v prahu čez ali kaj podobnega. Izgleda grozno lepo, samo mi je drugi ki ga imam (suede) ljubši ker ga je lažje nositi :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiTočno to ja, zato pa imam love-hate odnos z njim... :) Saj se ga da nosit, ampak veliko raje nosim mat oz. ne tako svetlikajoče. :D
IzbrišiFul je lep in ga imam že dlje časa nagledanega, je pa tudi mene strah, da bi mi bil preveč svetlikajoč ja :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiČudovit blush je in če bi od sebe dal več barve in ne toliko zlatega shimmerja, bi bil fenomenalen... tako mi je pa malo preveč in raje uporabim mat ali 'satenaste' blushe. :)
IzbrišiO noro, noro...hud je res, mene bi verjetno tudi preveč sijaja motilo. Probaj zamatirat s pudrom v prahu.
OdgovoriIzbrišiJa, mislim, da se po večini kar vse strinjamo s tem... :D
IzbrišiSaj pravim, se ga da nosit in ni tako hudo, da vsak vidi kako se zlato svetiš po licih, samo pač raje bi videla, da bi bilo malo več barve in malo manj zlatega shimmra. :)
Oh kako lep odtenek!<3 Ampak jaz ga niti pod razno ne bi nanašala na lica, res je čiiisto preveč svetlikajoč! :/ Mogoče le kot highlighter :) x
OdgovoriIzbrišiJa, definitivno bolj izpade kot highlighter, ampak tudi od highlighterja nekako pričakujem, da se 'diskretno' sveti in ne da je videti zlate bleščice po licih. :)
IzbrišiJaz sem se na splošno v zadnjem času bolj ogrela za mat rdečila, tudi kremna so mi postala zelo všeč. :)