Best of 2013

5. januar 2014

Hello lovelies! Today I finally got around to doing this post... It was a hard one I tell you. I love so many different makeup/beauty products, it was really hard for me to choose the 'creme de la creme' out of all of them. :) I thought long and hard and here's what I came up with. WARNING! This will be a long post! :)


The two eyeshadow palettes that I've discovered and loved in 2013 are the UD Naked Basics and UD Vice2. Of course I've also been loving my UD Naked palette, but I've been loving that for a few years now, so I decided not to feature it this time. :) Both the Naked Basics and Vice2 are phenomenal palettes, each in its own way and I absolutely love using them.

Speaking of eyeshadows... the eyeshadow primer I've been loving (for quite a while now) is NYX HD eyeshadow primer. I've tried quite a few primers this past year and none have worked as good as this one does. It keeps my eyeshadows looking perfect for up to 15 hours, even in high humidity, heat, cold... It's just amazing. :)

I've never really put much effort in my eyebrows before, all I did was pluck them and maintain their shape (sometimes not even that), but that was until I discovered Catrice's Eyebrow filler. It's a wonderful product that shapes my brows and gives them a bit of color (so you can actually see them). I absolutely love it, because it's so easy to use, you can't over do it with this product and your eyebrows look defined, yet still very natural.

The lipstick that was on my lips most of the time, is UD Revolution lipstick in Naked (I also have it in Fiend, but I mostly wore Naked). It's just such an awesome lipstick, with a gorgeous packaging and a great formula. Love it!

Last, but certainly not least is a foundation that swept me off my feet and made me fall in love with liquid foundations again - I'm talking about Illamasqua Skin Base. It's a gorgeous, full coverage foundation that feels really nice and light on the skin and lasts all day.


The two perfumes I wore the most are Verace's Crystal Noir (my favorite perfume for a while now) and Lolita Lempicka (the name of the perfume is the same as the brand). Both smell amazing and very special, especially Lolita Lempicka - it's a very unique, strong scent, definitely not for everyone. :)

The nail polishes that impressed me the most or I loved wearing the most, are Essie's Blanc and Warm & Toasty Turtleneck, Ciate's Antique Brooch and Nails Inc Grosvenor Gardens. All of these polishes are amazing, long-wearing and just beautiful. 


I think we all knew Liz Earle would make it's way on my 'Best of 2013' list. I just love the brand and their products. You already know I'm totally obsessed with Cleanse & Polish but I also love Instant Boost skin tonic. Both products are amazing and my skin absolutely loves them. :)

Face masks I loved the most this past year are Queen Helene Mint Julep masque and Avon's Turkish Thermal baths. Both masks are clay-based and meant for unclean skin. Mint Julep is more of a hard-core mask and also a great spot treatment, whilst the Avon mask is more of a gentle, spa mask.

The body cream I really enjoyed (and still am enjoying) is Elizabeth Arden Green Tea Honey Drops body cream. Such a lovely, luxuries cream with a wonderful scent (and it has honey drops in it, HONEY DROPS!). :)

Hair care wise, I discovered the best shampoo ever - Lush I love juicy. I really can't profess my love for this shampoo enough... It's super cleansing (which is great for my oily hair), yet somehow manages to be very creamy and gentle. Seriously love it to bits! :) My ends on the other hand, are thoroughly enjoying Orofluido hair oil - a gorgeous oil, a bit on the thick side with an amazing oriental scent to it.


The two beauty/makeup tools that have changed my life the most are Tangle Teezer and Real Techniques Miracle Complexion sponge. I can't imagine brushing my hair with anything else than the teezer. My hair is super fine yet super tangly, so this is a real life saver. :) The Real Techniques sponge might not be such a life saver (I can still apply my foundation with a brush or fingers) but it has certainly made foundation application a dream + the finish it gives is amazing, almost airbrushed.

Another big game changer for me is the Seche Vite Dry fast top coat - it really helps all of my nail polishes look better and last longer (with its help I can wear some nail polishes for 10 days). Amazing product!

Other products I really loved this passed year are the Too Faced Chocolate Soleil bronzer in Milk Chocolate (beautiful!), UD De-Slick mattifying powder and theBalm Put a lid on it eyeshadow primer - a primer that works almost as good as the NYX primer.


I decided to include some makeup looks of 2013 that were my personal favorites. If you haven't seen them yet, go and check them out - Jingle bells, jingle bells, Birthday party, Inglot eyeshadows II, Galaxy, New Year's eve party look #1 and #2. :)

24 komentarjev:

  1. Zelen makeup look je meni tvoj najljubši. <3
    Essie Blanc se je znašel tudi med meni najlepšimi laki lanskega leta, sem ga na koncu vseeno kupila (ampak bo samo za celotne manikure, za nail art bom vzela nekaj drugega). :)

    1. Hvala! :D

      Ja, Blanc je res super bel lak... Razmišljam še o nakupu črnega od Essie (mislim, da mu je ime Licorice ali nekaj takega). :)

  2. Kake lepe slikice :). ciate zgleda tok lepo v steklenički, pa elizabeth arden krema <3 moram probat lushev šampon, ker mam iste lase kot ti :)

    1. Hvala Aida! <3

      Ciate je božanski, v flaški in na nohtih! :) Elizabeth Arden je pa tudi čudovita kremica... Lushev šampon ti toplo pripročam, saj ga lahko za probo vzameš v najmanjši flaški (mislim, da je okoli 150 ml), pa boš videla... Jaz imam zdaj že 500 ml, ker mi je tako všeč. :D

  3. Dobro si se omejila, js nimam nič samokontrole in me je kar strah kako bo izpadla objava :) Poleg parih stvari, ki jih že imam na WL, pa morem obvezno dodat še NYX primer :)

    1. Ja, sem bila kar pridna... :) NYX je res absolutni zmagovalec med primerji, čeprav bi rada sprobala še od Lime Crime in od Nars-a.

  4. Lep izbor izdelkov:) Vsi izgledajo super. Zdaj si jaz tudi želim, da bi več preizkušala izdelke za nego:)) Všeč so mi tudi makeup izgledu, najbolj zelen in rdeča šminka:))

    1. Hvala! :D Meni je preizkušanje izdelkov za nego kože/obraza najbolj všeč... trenutno sem zelo zadovoljna z izdelki, ki jih uporabljam, ampak še vedno imam precej reči na 'seznamu za preizkušnjo'. :)

      Ja, od makeup-ov, sta pa te dva tudi meni najbolj všeč. :D

  5. Super post :). Tvojim priporočilom popolnoma zaupam. Če ne bi tvojega posta videla za Naked Basic je ne bi nikoli kupila. Prej nisem niti razmišljala o njej, ampak od kar sem jo kupila jo ves čas nosim. Popolna je :)
    Moj tangle teezer je že toliko star, da si ga sploh ne upam v kakšen post dat :D. Preživi leta uporabe.

    1. Hvala Mateja! Naked Basics je res super paletka, takšna osnovna, ampak nadvse uporabna. :) Tangle Teezer je pa res life oz. hair saver zame... :D

  6. Ful si naredila lepe kolaže slik<3

  7. Sem pričakovala daljšo objavo, good job :D Nujno rabim tisti NYX primer, Ciate lakec pa še vse ostale UD šminke ^_^ &upam, da kmalu dobim svojo MJ masko. Od mejkapov mi je pa najljubši novoletni drugi :)
    ♥, moonchild beauty blog

    1. Why thank you very much... :D

      NYX primer je the bomb, resno. Prav tako Ciate lakci in UD šminke. :) MJ maska je pa meni tudi čudovita in res super deluje na problematični koži.

  8. Uf mam ful omenjenih izdelkov, brez TTja si sploh ne predstavljam več, Orofluido olje je odlično, Elizabeth Arden krema za telo je božanska... ;)

  9. Jaz si moram že nov TT nabavit, ker je že mal bogi. :D Drugače pa super izbor izdelkov! nekateri so tudi meni zelo všeč, večina drugih je pa na mojem to-buy seznamu, haha.

    1. Moj je dokaj nov, mislim, da sem ga prejšnje leto kupila... :D

      Ja, vse omenjene izdelke toplo priporočam, so res 'creme de la creme' zame. :)

  10. Hvala! <3

    Javi ko boš dobila RT gobico, kako boš zadovoljna z njo... Jaz si bom zdaj morala že drugo naročit, za rezervo oz. za vsak slučaj, ker mi je tako všeč. :) Me veseli, da te je NYX primer navdušil, jaz še nisem boljšega odkrila. Za Vice2 bi ti pa rekla, da si jo privošči, ker le gre za LE... paletka je čudovita in mislim, da bi lahko ustvarila z njo čudovite makeup-e, četudi imaš manjše oči. :)

  11. Odgovori
    1. I love it as well, such a unique fragrance... :D

  12. Me veseli, da ti je všeč! Jaz sem že novo kupila, za vsak slučaj, da imam rezervo... :) Drugače je pa te gobice dobro čistit s trdim milom, ne s tekočim - s trdim gre vse ven in to takoj. :D
