BH Cosmetics Galaxy Chic palette

31. oktober 2013

Hello my lovelies! Today I have an awesome, picture heavy post for you - I'll be reviewing the Galaxy Chic palette from BH Cosmetics. It's an awesome palette that contains 18 beautiful, baked eyeshadows. Each eyeshadow represents a planet or some sort of galactic 'object'. :)

I'll let you know all about this palette, but first, let's just take a few seconds and stare at it, shall we...

Ok, were done. :D So, this palette wasn't really on my wishlist, I wasn't even aware that it existed... but then I saw a sneaky little review of it from xsparkage on YouTube and I just had to have it. I mean... just look at it, how can I not get that? :D It's gorgeous!

I really like the sturdy cardboard packaging - it's looks and feels really nice. You would think that it would be thick/wide because the eyeshadows are baked and have a round, pointy shape (they aren't flat like 'normal' pressed eyeshadows), but this palette is actually thinner than the UD Naked palette. My only complaint would be the magnetic closing/opening thingamajig, because the magnet isn't strong enough - if you tip the palette upside down, it opens. Because of that it may be less travel-friendly, but other than that, I love it.



















I was really worried that these eyeshadows wouldn't be pigmented enough, especially due to the fact that they are baked, not pressed and also because I have very high expectations for eyeshadows, being spoiled with my Urban Decay palettes. :) Fortunately these eyeshadows surprised me with excellent pigmentation. Every single one of these gorgeous shades has great pigmentation. At first I was a bit disappointed with Moon, but I found that it's a great highlighter for the inner eye corner or under the brow, so I can make it work. I tend to use damp brushes when applying these eyeshadows but they work perfectly with dry brushes as well. :)

The other thing that is great about these eyeshadows is that because they're baked, they can have a gorgeous marble effect to them - so a mixture of two or more colors. It was really interesting to see how the shades turned up when I was swatching them. In this palette you get 9 solid eyeshadows and 9 marbled ones, a perfect balance. :)

So what else can I say about this palette? I would say this is a fun palette, definitely not for everyone and probably not for everyday (though I would wear these colors on a daily basis because I'm always up for a bold eye look). It is very affordable and the eyeshadows are amazing quality. Go check out BH Cosmetics web site - it's still on sale at the moment and you can get it for $14 (10 €). There is unfortunately a down side for us non-USA people - the shipping cost are pretty high and I ended up paying more for the shipping than the palette itself. Still, I didn't mind that too much, because the shipping was incredibly fast and in the end I got this gorgeous palette for only 23 €. :)

And now I leave you with some swatches... :D

Sun, Jupiter, Prometheus

Aphrodite, Milky Way, Cosmic

Saturn, Venus, Meteor

Comet, Earth, Neptune

Mercury, Mars, Asteorid

Uranus, Moon, Eclipse

So what do you think of this palette? Own it, want it or not for you? :) Let me know, if you'd like to see some more makeup looks with this palette and if you have a particular shade in mind. In the mean time, you can check out last weeks look...

19 komentarjev:

  1. Waw fantstična paletka! So senčke trde? Ali se lepo nanašajo?

    1. Ne, niso trde, lepo se nanašajo, super pigmentacija. :D

    2. Uf, a si mogla povedat... :D
      Bi imela, ampak mi je 13€ za poštnino too much.

  2. Pigmentacija zgleda ok pa ful mehke mi zgledajo...krasna paletka <3 samo jaz mam tolko teh paletk, za uporabljam samo 3, še to ne...

    1. Pigmentacija je super in res so lepo mehke, še posebej za 'pečene' senčke. :) Ja, saj kot sem rekla, to ni paletka za vsakega oz. za vsak dan. :D

  3. So awesome blog!! new follower, follow??
    Win 15$ on clothes from Sammy Dress

  4. Holy mother of eyeshadows je lepa! Pa jaz bi mela to samo za gledat :D

    1. Hehe... jp, nekje na polički razstavt pa gledat :D

  5. I ja sam je vidjela na xsparkage, ali sam vise oduzevljena idejom i izgledom nego sto mi stvarno trebaju te boje , ali to ne umanjuje moju zelju za njom :D

  6. Nekatera senčila so prav luštna, sploh tista, ki so v paleti večbarvna. Čeprav mi je lepa, dvomim, da bi jo veliko uporabljala.

    1. Ja, tale paletka je bolj za igrat se, ker ima takšne zanimive barve. :) Čeprav nekatere so čisto primerne za 'vsakdanje' look-e. :D

  7. O, super... in škoda, da je skos razprodana. Kakšna je pa cena, je ugodna? :)

  8. No, niti ni slabo... Jaz sem jo dobila za 23 €, skupaj s poštnino. :)
