Maja watches... TV shows

9. februar 2014

Hello hunnies! I hope you're having a lovely Sunday. :) So, as promised today I'm going to talk about some more TV shows I stopped watching - and not because I didn't like them but because the season has ended or the show is on pause. If you haven't seen last week's post, go check out that one first. :)


I've been 'off' this show for quite some time now because it kind of just ended at episode 10 and at first I thought they were just having a break but then I realized it was actually the end of the season. I don't know how I didn't noticed that right away... probably because it ended in such a way I was expecting another episode right after it. Anyhow... it's an awesome TV show about hot-shot lawyers and a very smart guy that's not really a lawyer but is smart enough that nobody really notices. :) I find it really interesting and pretty realistic - I think it portraits lawyers really well and how these huge law firms really work. I can't wait for the new season to start (in March) and I especially love Harvey... I mean, what's not to love? :D


I stumbled across this show by chance... I think I saw an add somewhere and decided to check it out. I got hooked right away and flew through the first season like I was on a clock or something. :) I think it's a really interesting show - it centers around maids that work for some filthy rich people and one day one of them gets murdered. Her friends morn here and decided to forget the whole thing but then a new maid comes 'to town' and starts asking a bunch of questions about the murder. It's kind of mysterious but not too serious or dark. I really like it and I hope the second season will be just as good.


I mentioned this show quite some time ago. I think this is an awesome show. It's very teen-based and might not be for everyone but even though it's about teen drama and high school it also kind of has a deeper, more important message to it. Plus it's also pretty hilarious and plain stupid at times. :) The last season was a bit more depressing with Jenna falling off 'the wagon', if you will... but I really liked how it all turned around and the way it ended. I hope there will be more seasons and the show remains just as good.


So... this show was kind of recommended to me. I saw Sanja talking about it on Twitter and I decided to check it out. At first I was absolutely obsessed with it. I flew through the first season like it was nothing. I really enjoyed how the whole show was filmed and that it was 'going on' in the 80's. The music was fantastic (reminded me of my childhood) and I was dancing practically through each episode (a bit of overreacting, but you know). I still like the show and I actually have one or two more episodes to watch but I have to say the spark just isn't there anymore. I feel like it's more or less the same, nothing too exciting happens, too much teen drama and too much drama between Carrie and Sebastian - always splitting and getting back together (or having some serious things to decide about their life/relationship). I'll watch the episodes I have left and maybe I'll be happy with how things end but I don't know if I'll be really waiting for the next season to come back.


This is also one of the more new shows I've been watching. It's kind of an ok show in my mind. I find it interesting but somewhat dull and unrealistic at times. Yes, I know... it's supposed to be a fantasy/horror/detective show and of course you can't expect it to be realistic in that aspect. But I find the whole Ichabod Crane character being able to adapt to this totally new world so quickly, pretty ridiculous. His wife is dead or in purgatory... his son is dead (at least so it seems), daemons and riders of the Apocalypse are trying to kill him and he's all chill and handling everything like a pro. Don't get me wrong - I love Ichabod as a character, he's probably the only reason I'm watching the show but those are just a few things that bother me. I like the whole spin on the Sleepy Hollow headless horseman legend being actually death, one of the four riders. But everything else is a bit farfetched. It probably doesn't appeal that much to me because I've seen the Apocalypse being done much, much better in Supernatural. :) Anyhow... I also have one or two episodes left of this show and I'll watch them but it's just not a show I'm too head over heals for.

So, these are some more TV shows I stopped watching or will stop watching soon... :) Do you watch any of these shows, what are your thoughts on them?

17 komentarjev:

  1. Gledam The Suits - zelo zanimivo in še lepi igralci:), The Carrie Diaries - itak najlubša zdaj, mogoče ravno zato, ker je postavljena v čas nazaj, ko so itak imeli boljše serije kot zdaj in pa Devious Maids - ki se mi zdi boljša kot Desperate Housevives s katerimi jih nekateri primerjajo:)

    1. Ja, fajni igralci so ja... :D Meni je bilo tudi pri Carrie Diaries všeč to, da je postavljena v 80ih, ampak saj pravim, zdaj v 2. sezoni me je pa malo minilo vse skupaj, malo preveč ponavljanja in neke iste drame... Devious Maids so mi pa super in se mi zdijo veliko boljše od Desperate Housewifes (sicer nisem nikoli ravno spremljala serije, ampak tistih nekaj delov, ki sem jih pogledala, mi ni bilo ravno najbolj všeč).

  2. Suits je res odlična serija, Harvey pa itak za dol past!<3 Oh my komaj čakam, da bo spet :D Sleepy Hollow mi je tudi všeč, vedno se smejim Ichabodu :)) Supernatural sem pogledala le nekaj delov tako da nevem primerjati te teme ampak meni je SH fajn serija :)

    1. Ah, Harvey... :D Ichabod je pa itak zakon, pravi gentleman in prava pojava. :) Supernatural ti toplo priporočam, da se lotiš, ko boš imela čas - meni osebno je ena najboljših serij, sploh tam do 4. sezone je top! :D

  3. Mene je zadnji del Sleepy Hollow čisto presenetil, ker res nisem pričakovala tega. Moreš poročat, kako se ti bo zdel, ko ga pogledaš :)
    Imam pa sama tudi na pavzi the Carrie diaries, še nobenega dela 2 sezone nisem pogledala, se sploh ne morem zraven spravit. Ne vem pa zakaj še nisem začela gledat Suits, ker jo vsi tako hvalijo...Jo bom med poletjem, ko bojo ostale na pavzi :)

    1. Uuuu... zdaj me pa firbec matra kaj se bo zgodilo. Bom ti javila vtise! :D

      Ma meni je bila prva sezona Carrie Diaries res super, druga na začetku tudi, potem mi je pa kar malo 'meh' ratala. Saj ni nič grozno narobe z njo, samo malo se mi ponavlja vse skupaj pa kar dolgočasno mi je na trenutke.

      Suits se pa le loti, super serija je in čudoviti igralci! :D

  4. oo super izbira :) včasih sem gledla suits (predvsem zarad kjut igralcev hh), devious maids se pa odpravljam že nekaj časa gledat ! in enostavno mi zmanjka časa xD

    1. Meni so Suits res super, takšna posebna, pametna serija se mi zdi. :D Devious Maids si pa le poglej, meni je bila zelo všeč! :)

  5. Tele služkinje se spravlam gledat, pa mi še ni uspelo:D Awkward mam pa pregeldan že vse :D Ampak glede na zadnjo epizodo malo dvomim da bo še kakšna sezona =/ Je pa fino da je imela 2. sezona še enkrat več epizod :D

    1. Kar spravi se, super so... :D Na IMDB-ju kaže da bo Awkward imel 4. sezono letos, tako da... :)

  6. Jaz sem se pa ravno včeraj odločila, da začnem gledat Suits, ampak ni moj tip humorja :D Je pa blo fantu všeč in mi je zdej dolgčas, ker to ful gleda :P

    1. Ne? Meni je pa ravno zaradi tega všeč, takšna 'smart' serija je... :D

    2. I like dumb stuff :D za sčilirat se in dvignit ego hah JK :P

  7. Suits je zakon! In pa tudi meni so Devious Maids pa je tudi meni boljša kot Desperate Housewifes :) The Carrie Diaries pa je tudi super :D

    1. Super so ja! Za Carrie Diaries bom pa podala končno oceno ko pogledam še dva dela ali kolikor mi jih je še ostalo... :)

  8. Nad The carrie diaries sem tudi jaz navdušena, ampak sem samo prvo sezono pogledala in vmes ko je bila pavza sem čisto pozabila na to serijo, takoj po tem komentarju si jo moram downloadat :D
    Gledam pa tudi Sleepy holow in mi je za 1x super serija, je pa res da sem šele prvih 5-6 delov pogledala :)

    1. No, mene je druga sezona Carrie Diaries malo razočarala, tako da ne vem kakšen bo najin 'odnos' v prihodnosti. :D Sleepy Hollow pa ravno zdaj gledam - imam še dve epizodi. :)
