Orofluido hair oil

3. januar 2014

Hello my lovelies! Today I'll be reviewing a pretty famous hair product for you... I'm talking about Orofluido hair oil. It's one of the most known hair oils out there (along with Morrocanoil, Macadamia Natural oil and such) and for good reason - it truly is a great product. :)

Now, I don't have particularity dry hair, actually I have a really oily scalp, so my hair gets oily really fast and the fact that it's really fine doesn't help with that either. :) But... like most hair, mine also needs some TLC, especially the ends. I do take good care of my hair (at least I like to think I do), so I don't have a huge problem with split ends, but I think it's better to be safe than sorry, so I always apply oil to my ends.

I was totally happy with my Avon hair oil, it did a great job, but one day Sanja recommended Orofluido and one of my best friends was also raving about it... so (you know me) I had to try this thing out. :) I got it on BeautyBay.com for 10.80 € (50 ml bottle). When I got my package, I was immediately impressed with it - it came in a lovely black box all nice and pretty, the bottle was gorgeous and heavy (felt really luxurious), but the real magic happened when I opened it - oooohh, the smell, divine, simply divine! It's a very heavy, oriental scent - just the way I like them. :)

It doesn't just look and smell nice, though... it also works great. It's a thicker oil (it looks pretty runny in the picture bellow, but compared to oils I've used in the past, this one is quite thick). I was a bit concerned about that at first because I was sure it would be too heavy for my fine hair and weigh them down or make them look oily... fortunately that was not the case. I apply it to dry hair, not to wet/damp hair. It is visible on the hair right after application, my hair needs a couple of hours to completely absorb it, but even so, my hair never looks greasy. I also love the fact that the scent lingers for quite a while (at least a day or so). :D

I absolutely love this hair oil and I really recommend it, if you're on the hunt for a good hair oil. Do you know this oil, are you using it? If not, what's your favorite hair oil?

16 komentarjev:

  1. Jaz ga uporabljam, mi je med ljubšimi samo še vedno sem mnenja, da je precenjeno...cena je precej visoka recimo če primerjam z Balea itd... Sigurno mi je boljše, ampak temu primerna je tudi cena. 4 od 5 bi dobil.

    1. Definitivno ima visoko ceno, ampak meni ponavadi olja za lase trajajo precej dolgo, tako da mi ni preveč težko dat malo več denarja za tegale... :) Pa diši mi božansko! :D

  2. Super, da ti je všeč...Drugače se pa tudi meni cena ne zdi pretirana, ker ti tale steklenička zdrži zelo, zelo dolgo..Vsaj meni :) Pa še pravi hair saviour je, ker mi vedno frizerka reče, da se vidi, da uporabljam to olje, ker nimam čisto nič razcepljenih konic :)

    1. Ja, mislim, da mi bo kar dolgo trajala tale flaška... :D Jaz sicer ne morem reči, da nimam nič razcepljenih konic, ker jih malo imam, ampak bolj zato, ker se mi lasje precej 'feclajo' in jih potem malo s česanjem 'uničim' (čeprav uporabljam tangle teezer). :)

  3. O, dejansko je samo 10€?! Sem mislila da je 20+, haha. Potem pa ga naročim ko porabim (tvojo) Avon flaško :P
    ♥, moonchild beauty blog

    1. Ja, zdaj sem sicer videla, da je okoli 12-13 €, ampak še vedno zelo sprejemljiva cena. :)

  4. Jaz ga imam tudi, že nekaj let in mi je všeč :)

  5. Nisem še nikoli sprobala te znamke. Bo treba počasi :)

    1. Priporočam, super olje je in božansko diši... :D

  6. Jaz sem ga že sprobala in mi je bil fajn, ampak predrag pa mal pregost/pretežek. Je bil pa definitivno kakšnih 10€ dražji ko sem ga jaz kupila...

    1. Ja, saj se spomnim da je bila res huda cena nekaj časa nazaj... Zdaj se mi zdi, da je čisto sprejemljiva. :) Meni je super olje... ;)

  7. Orofluido je zakon! :) Moji lasje so vedno izgledali "skurjeni" :D Tole jih je pa res popravilo!
