Afrodita 100% SPA sugar scrub

10. julij 2014

Hello my lovelies! Today I'd like to share a body/shower product with you that I have completely fallen in love with - Afrodita's 100% SPA Sugar Scrub. I'm writing this review quite late as I've actually already finished this 'pot'. :) I would be repurchasing it asap, but I have a few other body scrubs I need to use up first.

This is a truly luxurious body scrub. It is a sugar scrub, but aside from brown sugar it also contains shea butter, so as you're scrubbing your skin away, you're also deeply nourishing it. And when I say deeply, I mean this stuff seriously moisturizes and nourishes your skin like nothing else! I usually clean my body first using one of my shower gels/creams and only after I've cleansed my skin, I start applying this scrub all over my body. It's quite thick so you need to work with it a bit to really massage it in/all over and because it has sugar in it, it's quite rough, but nothing too much (you certainly won't be harming your skin or anything like that). 

After I get it all over my body, I usually leave it to sit for a few minutes (whilst I'm cleansing my face and also leaving my hair conditioner to sit in my hair) and then rinse it off. You can feel how nourishing it is right away, as it doesn't just rinse off your body but leaves a nice, soft, almost oily feeling behind. When I'm all done and I've wrapped myself in my bath robe, I can feel my skin is super moisturized and not dry or tight at all. I usually just sit in my bath robe for some time and apply a face mask or something, to allow what has remained on the skin to fully sink in. 

Other than the obvious moisturizing and smoothing effect it has on the skin, it also makes it smell amazing - like warm vanilla, delicious! :)

This really is one of the most amazing body scrubs I have tried and I know I'll be repurchasing it soon. It is quite expensive for a drugstore body scrub - around 5-6 € for 175 g and since it's quite thick you use up a lot of it in one go (at least I did - I think I've managed to use up the whole thing in 4 'rounds'). But because I love it so much I'm willing to pay the price. :)

So what are your thoughts on this product, have you tried it yet? Do you like to use body scrubs, which one is your favorite?

10 komentarjev:

  1. Zdaj ga pa reees moram preizkusit! Jaz imam maslo iz te linije in je bozaansko, mmm pa kako disi!;)

  2. Js sm ga ravno danes prvič sprobala, ampak mislim da mi ne bo všeč zaradi tega ''oljnatega'' občutka. Mu bom dala še eno priložnost, drugače se pa vrnem k pilingom od Aldo Vandini, tisti so mi še najbolj všeč. :)

    1. Ja, če iščeš piling samo za piling, potem ta res ni... meni je pa ravno zato všeč, ker tako nahrani kožo (in ker sem lena za mazanje s kremami). :D

  3. Sem mislila da ga imam samo jaz za tako malo uporab :D sem si sama zamešala še domačo verzijo, ampak ga bom vsake toliko definitivno vzela, ker je božanski.

    1. Nope, meni je tudi hitro pošel... najbrž tudi zato, ker ne šparam z njim. :) Vseeno ga bom sigurno še kupila, ko porabim malo zalog. ;)

  4. glede na oceno mislim, da ga bom kupila! :)


  5. No s tem postom, si me kar prepričala da ga kupim in sprobam, imam sama bolj suho kožo in če tako dobro navlaži kožo bo vredno vsakega centa :)

    1. Fantastičen je za suho kožo, za sabo pusti takšen, skoraj masten film in koža diši še naslednje jutro. :D
