Maja loves to watch... TV shows!

13. december 2013

Hello my beauties! Today I have another 'Maja loves to watch' post for you. A lot of you said you really like reading these posts, so I decided it's about time I give one to you (I have quite a few more planned - like what TV shows I stopped watching, gorgeous men, romantic movies and so on and so on). :) 

So, here are all the TV shows I've been watching recently. Most of them are going on a one month hiatus, so I'll have to find myself some new ones to watch... don't worry, I have a few in mind already, though I'm always open for suggestions. :) 

WARNING: I will be spoiling!


This show is currently on it's 5th season. I know some people are not loving how the story line is developing and are saying it's getting boring or too complicated, but I actually still really like this show. Were the first 3 seasons better? Probably... but I loved the 4th and 5th season (so far), just as much. :) I wasn't a huge fan of Ketsia/Tessa and the fact that Silas was killed so easily, even though he was tormenting everyone and being a huge bad-ass practically all through the 4th season. I don't like to take sides, but I just don't see the chemistry between Elena and Damon, I never did...  I much preferred their friendship and Damon just being in love with here, but that's just me. :) I am however very fond of the developing relationship between Stefan and Catherine, I just find her so fun and now that she's not an all mighty vampire bitch, she's even more interesting. I don't know how to feel about the Whitmores really, but I do like the whole Damon + Enzo story and can't wait to see how that turns out. Oh, and I can't forget the most important thing - can Caroline please pack her things and head to New Orleans? :)


A fairly new show, only on it's 1st season and basically a spinoff series of The Vampire Diaries. Now, some are saying that it's better than The Vampire Diaries... I don't really compare the two and I love both shows. At first I was afraid that it would be bad and I couldn't get used to the original vampires being gone from The Vampire Diaries, but it actually turned out to be a great show with an interesting storyline to it, that keeps on getting better and better. I love Klaus being the same ruthless, killing psychopath, but at the same time, caring for his unborn child and family. I'm absolutely ecstatic about the Elijah + Haley developing relationship. I'm not really on board with the Rebekah + Marcel thing... I just don't see them together (I think she should have stick with Matt). I like Cami and I see her as a very determined, smart, stubborn girl, but I would still much prefer, if Caroline would just pack her things and head to New Orleans (wait, have I said that before?). :D All in all, I'm very happy with this show and I can't wait to see what happens next. :)


I've been a huge fan of Supernatural for quite a while now. The show is on it's 9th season. There have been some ups and downs during the last few seasons (shall we say from the 6th season up till now), but I still very much enjoy the show and just can't stop watching it. Are they stretching things and complicating? Yes... but they also make each episode entertaining and I never struggle to watch one. I wasn't too happy with the ending of season 8 (angels falling), but I actually quite enjoy the storyline in the 9th season. I really like Sam being possessed by Ezekiel (or so we thought) and Cass being human (and finally getting laid). There were some fantastic episodes in this season and Dean has been really funny (as usual). I was really unhappy with what happened to Kevin and I think the writers should really hold back on killing every single one that Dean and Sam get attached to. But all in all... I'm loving this season and I can't wait for the new episode and for Crowley to get back in the game. :)


This is also a new show from CW and if you've been reading all of my posts on TV shows, then you know I had the most doubt about this show. When I saw the trailer, I was sure it was going to be something terrible - a bad mixture between old and modern times... boy was I wrong, so so very wrong. This has turned out to be one of my favorite TV shows. I loved it from the first episode and I was really pleased with the soundtrack (well, still am) - I don't mind that they put in modern music, they do it so well. :) I love how Marry and Francis have slowly fallen for each other, it wasn't simple and still isn't (don't we all just love drama?). I love Bash and I know we're going to see some Marry/Bash action going on in the future episodes. I find this show highly entertaining and can't wait for the one month hiatus to end. I hope it will continue to be this good and most of all I hope they won't follow/recreate history (because then we're up for a sad story).


Also a new TV show. I was really looking forward to this show, especially due to the fact that Jonathan Rhys Meyers was playing Dracula. :) I have to say I was kind of surprised by this show, it certainly wasn't what I expected it to be. It's a totally different/new twist on the Dracula legend and I have to say I really like it. It's quite dark and complicated, I find that very intriguing. You slowly get to know 'the count' and his history. I love his relationship with Mina and the fact that she's supposed to be the reincarnation of his dead wife. I also love his relatiship with Mr. Renfield, Mr. Harker and Van Helsing (who would of guessed a vampire would go on with a vampire hunter?). :) I really like this show and I hope it gets better and better.


This show is on its 2nd season. I wasn't too head over heels about this show in season 1... I mean I liked it (especially Jay), but it was a bit mediocre. Season 2 has been far, far better and I've been really enjoying it. Jay looks even hotter (if that's possible) and the storyline has become much more interesting. Characters like JT, Tess and Gabe have really stepped forward and started to develop. Even though I want Kat to be with Vincent, it's really interesting to see Kat and Gabe getting closer and would be an interesting twist (that will come up sooner or later I think). I never expected JT and Tess to hook up, but I actually really like the idea - him being a geek and she's really gorgeous and though... I like it. I also really like the fact that Vincent lost his memory but is slowly getting it back and even though he is getting it back, he's never going to be the same and I like him as he is now (he was just such a pussy in season 1, always so careful and being sorry for everything). The mid-season finale was interesting and I can't wait to see what happens next. :)


This is the most recent show I started to watch. It's on its 1 season, only 5 episodes are out so far and I have to say I really like it. It's a show that portraits life in the future, where science has evolved so much, it's become dangerous and unpredictable. The police are trying to protect the people by using robots/androids to work by their side. Most of the droids are really robotic, no emotions, they're just there to serve and detective John Kennex despises them. He does not want to work with one and decides to take matters into his own hands. He chooses an older model, a model that was designed to be almost human - his name is Dorian. They start to work together and develop a bond. It's a cop show, but as it is based in the future, it's really Sci-Fi and I think that makes it interesting (of course, if you're into that). :)


Another show I recently discovered. It is a very unique twist on the Headless Horseman legend, where the Horseman is portrait as Death - one of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse. He, along with Ichabod Crane are awaken in the peaceful town of Sleepy Hollow where nothing bad ever happens... that is until now. Ichabod explains everything to Lt. Abbie Mills and she starts to believe him. They soon discover they are the two 'Witnesses' of the Apocalypse and are meant to work together and fight evil. It is of course much more complicated than that and you really have to watch the show to understand what's going on. I like this show... it certainly not one of my favorites, but it kind of grew on me and I absolutely love the relationship between Crane and Abbie. If you're my kind of crazy, go check it out. :)


This is one of my top shows. I just love the fact that every season is something completely different and has nothing to do with the previous season - the actors are the same (well some are new), but play completely different characters. I was really happy with the first season, but the second one (Asylum) blew my mind - it was a masterpiece. The third one is called Coven and is about... yup, you've guessed it - witches. I love this season as well, but so far I have to say that the second one is still my favorite. I mean Coven is really interesting and really freaky, but Asylum was just... mind blowing. :) I still very much enjoy this season and can't wait for more episodes. If you like freaky, crazy, scary things... then this show is just for you. :)

So, here they are... the shows I'm currently watching. Do you watch any of these shows, which is your favorite? Do you have any shows you can recommend to me, I'd love to check out some new ones...

18 komentarjev:

  1. Gledan večino teh, ki si jih omenila, ampak kljub vsemu ... po mojem mnenju bi se TVD in Supernatural morala končati. Sicer gledam in sta mi zabavna, sploh Supernatural (Dean <3), ampak že preveč komplicirajo pri določenih stvareh. Jaz tudi hočem Klaus+Caroline par videti v New Orleansu, upam, da jo pripeljejo tja. V TVD itak nima več tako vidne vloge kot prej. Pa strinjam se za Rebekah in Marcela, meni sploh nista za skupaj.
    Almost Human sem tudi začela gledati in mi je super, sploh glavna igralca, ki se ju ne morem nagledati. Mi je pa veliko razočaranje Dracula, jaz sem pričakovala dosti več od te serije. Sicer se mi je zdelo, da ne bo šlo za klasično zgodbo, ampak kljub vsemu se mi zdi, da bi lahko serijo boljše naredili. Itak jo gledam samo zaradi Jonathana. Za Sleepy Hollow se pa tudi ne morem čisto odločiti, kaj si mislim o njej. Sicer je zgodba zanimiva, mi je pa dosti stvari nelogičnih (tip iz 19. stoletja se zbudi v 21. stoletju in kar takoj se navadi na avte in ostalo modernizacijo? I don't think so. Po moje bi se nekdo iz tistega stoletja bolj bal modernih stvari in bi se dlje navajal. No, to je samo moje mnenje.) Pa na začetku mi igralka, ki igra Abby, ni bila všeč, ampak se je sčasoma izboljšala in mi je sedaj že ok.

    1. Glede Supernatural se nekako strinjam... za TVD pa ne, ker so le pri 5. sezoni in meni je še vedno zelo zanimivo, zakomplicirano, ampak zanimivo. :)

      Almost human je tudi meni zelo všeč, za Sleepy Hollow se pa tudi jaz ne morem odločit - meni je zelo všeč odnos med glavnima likoma in me to nekako vleče naprej.

      Dracula je pa meni všeč, res zelo drugačna serija kot sem pričakovala, ampak mi je všeč. Mislim, da se bo s časoma tudi še izboljšala. :)

  2. AHS in Sleppy Hollow sta odlični!<3 Dracula prav tako, ampak nisem prepričana, če sploh bo druga sezona, ker mislim, da zaenkrat še ni potrjena :(( xx

    1. Se čisto strinjam! :) Upam, da bo druga sezona Dracule, meni je zelo všeč. :D

  3. In pol si ti rekla, da gledaš preveč serij? Zdaj me je pa res sram povedat kolk jih js gledam :$
    Me je pa Reign dans čisto uničla :D

    1. Hehe... Pa to sem samo naštela tiste, ki sem zdaj gledala...jih imam še najmanj 7 pripravljenih, da nadaljujem/začnem. :D No, kolk jih pa ti gledaš, da je tako hudo? :)

      Oh, Reign... sploh ne govori, me je čist zvilo. :D

    2. *whispers* 19 :O še sama nisem vedla, da jih je tolko, okej no, 3 mam na pavzi, ampak vseeno no *hides in the corner*

    3. OMG! Dej mi prosm naštej vse k jih gledaš... mogoče bom pa kej novga odkrila. :)

    4. Sem šele zdaj vidla. No pa gremo: OUAT, Witches of east end, Hart of dixie, BATB, Sleepy hollow, New girl, The Mindy project, Originals, Brooklyn nine nine, Arrow, Tomorrow people, Super fun night, Vampire diaries, Big bang theory, Reign, Scandal, Dracula, The Carrie diaries, Bones. :D

  4. Očitno morem kar nekaj serij nadoknadit, ko sem mislila, da sem že vse pogledala kaj je možno :D
    glede Vampire Diaries, pa je meni bila 4. sezona najboljša, Meni osebno je bil Stefan na začetku kul, zaradi vse resnične ljubezni bla bla, ampak potem pa mi je postal malo beden in sta mi Elena ina Damon toook kjut skupaj :D v glavnem jaz sem za Deleno v tem primeru :P

    1. Hehe... ja, saj je kar večina bolj zadovoljna z Deleno, meni pa ni ta 'kombinacija' preveč všeč, mislim, ne vidim kemije no. Me pa nič ne moti, če sta skupaj... pa naj bo Stefan skupaj s Katherine... :D

  5. Mogoooče bom zdaj ko gre itak vse na pavzo ( :( ) začela gledati Reigh, da vidim what's the hype. :D

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  6. I absolutely love to watch Vampire Diaries and more recently The Originals *-* I agree with you, Caroline should go to New Orleans ahah I watch too Grey's Anatomy which is one of my favourite TV Shows!

    1. I haven't watched Grey's Anatomy yet... I've seen an episode here and there, but never really started watching it. Maybe I will... :)

  7. Skoraj vse serije gledam, razen Almost human in Sleepy hollow. Mi je pa zelo všeč Reign in pa Dracula, ker nista tisti klasični seriji. Supernatural zelo rada pogledam, še posebej zaradi Deana in Sama, čeprav ni več to kar so bile prejšnje sezone, ampak vseeno :D

    1. No, poglej še ti dve, če se ti zdi zanimiva zgodba... :) Ja, Reign pa Dracula sta top seriji, nekaj novega. Mislim, da se vsi počasi strinjamo, da mora Supernatural počasi v pokoj, ampak še vedno jo zelo rada pogledam in uživam v seriji... seveda imata fanta oz. fantje veliko vlogo pri tem. :D

  8. Z Vampire Diaries sem bila obsedena nekaj časa, potem mi je pa serija ratala dolgočasna in sem jo kar nehala gledati. :D Drugih pa tudi še nisem sčekirala pa tudi ne vem, če jih bom, haha. Nisem preveč navdušena nad takimi bolj 'supernatural' serijami. :D
