Hello lovelies! I'm 3/4 through my pregnancy and can't wait to see and hold my little munchkin for the first time! A lot has been going on in the last five weeks, so I thought I'd share some of it with you...
Week 25-27 - I felt amazing and was in pregnancy heaven. The round ligament pain was nowhere to be seen and in general all was going great. There were lots and lots of kicks, jabs, rolls and god knows what other fun movement in my belly. The little monster was super active, the most active in the entire pregnancy. It was super exciting but a bit uncomfortable as well (those kicks in the ribs weren't so nice).
Week 28 - Was another awesome week and looking at the pictures I took (I take pictures every other week or so), my belly popped out big time. There was such a difference from week 26 to 28 that I almost couldn't believe it. By this week baby had grown so big that the intensity of the kicks/jabs became noticeably weaker - they were still frequent but there weren't any super intense, powerful kicks (that's because there was way less room in there now). I did however start to feel major pressure inside my belly every time baby rolled over and pressed hard on my uterine wall.
Week 29 - Was a very eventful week. We had a 3D sonogram and got some super cute pictures plus we finally found out the sex of our little peanut, so without further ado... we're having a...
...BOY! :) And we're finally 100% sure since we saw his boy parts in 3D as well. We have one name chosen and will probably stick to it till the end, but you never know...
When we had the 3D sonogram my doctor also took all the necessary measurements and he's right on track with the weeks of gestation. He's also head down which is great as it means he's getting ready for delivery (I just hope he stays that way). Since he turned down I do experience a bit of discomfort from time to time because he presses against my bladder and other organs, but it's really nothing to complain and much better than the round ligament pain I experienced earlier in my pregnancy.
In week 29 I also experienced my first hormonal break down and it wasn't cute. I didn't have any problems with hormones messing up my brain so far, so when it hit me I was not prepared. It was a mix of emotions from sad to angry to almost depressed and most of my negativity was concentrated at my poor husband. Thankfully this lasted only a day and then went away as quickly as it came. Hopefully there won't be any more 'incidents' like this. :)
Week 30 - Still feeling fine and almost not pregnant. I'm rarely in any discomfort and I feel great most of the time. I'm busy buying and organizing the 'last' things I need for me and baby... I mostly have everything and I would be fine if he was born right now, but there are still a couple of things I need. I'll also have to invest in some nursing pads and bras soon as I've started to leak colostrum (the first milk).
The little monster is still very active and getting bigger by the day and I'm pleased that I'm getting bigger in my belly only (I really haven't gained much weight - around 3 kg). I also haven't gotten any new stretch marks (other than the ones I had prior to the pregnancy - those are starting to widen a bit but they are still white). My belly button is still in (though barely holding on) and I really hope it stays in. :)
Kako lepo <3 Še en fantek :-) Čestitke!
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala ti! <3
IzbrišiIiiiii Maja, kako lepo <3 srečka :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala! :D
IzbrišiAwww so exciting, only 2 months to go! I hope the last 2 months of your pregnancy go well :-) Wow, you've only gained 3kgs so far? I gained 17kgs with my first and 19kgs with my daughter. I must have really pigged out! And yay, a boy! Boys are great, they're very affectionate and attached to mummy xx
OdgovoriIzbrišiYup, he'll be here very soon... :) It's really so different for every woman - some gain a lot, others not (I lost 3kg in my first trimester so I had to slowly gain the weight back). We're really excited we're having a boy though I do secretly hope our second child will be a girl... ;)
IzbrišiJoj kako hitro čas teče :) Pa seveda čestitke za fantka :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiA ne? Tudi meni gre zelo hitro... :) In pa hvala! <3
IzbrišiČestitke, komaj čakam da preberem kaj več! :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala! :D
IzbrišiFanteeeek, kako lepo. Slikica je prav čudovita. Komaj čakamo, da prijoka na dan (:
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala! <3
Izbrišiooooh kako luštno! Ful luštna fotka. Želim ti prijetno izkušnjo in zdravega junaka! :)