Hello my darlings! Long time no see... I've been really busy, being pregnant and giving birth and all. :) No, but seriously... if you follow me on Instagram you probably already know (from all the pictures I've been posting) I have a new baby boy in my life. Since I did share my pregnancy on the blog I thought it would be nice to also share my labor and delivery story. I'll try to make it as short as possible, but I can't promise anything.
Soooo... first of all, my little guy decided to stay in my belly a bit longer than we anticipated so I ended up going to my ob/gynecologist on my due date and then every other day for the next week. Things weren't really progressing - I was 1,5 cm dilated and (almost) fully effaced but he was still pretty high up and didn't seem to want to come down (or out for that matter). On my last check up everything was still the same so my ob/gynecologist told me to go to the hospital/birthing center on Monday if nothing happens over the weekend. Funny enough something did start to happen and we went to the hospital where they checked me and told me to go home... Over the next two days I had a strange discharge (I know, TMI) and random contractions, so on the 14th both me and hubby had enough and went to the hospital, again. This time I was 3 cm dilated and the midwife that checked me did some magic (I think she stretched/opened me a bit more during the exam, TMI again, I know) and sent me to the birthing ward. Half an hour later I started to get regular contractions that were very manageable. Soon after that I was in a birthing room and was examined again - the doctor was pleased with my progress but told me to take the night to rest (we came in really late). So there I was, on a monitor and trying to get some sleep (which of course I couldn't). Hubby was sent home in the mean time but he couldn't sleep either.
I was examined again in the morning and the doctor decided to break my waters (which was pretty unpleasant to say the least). After that they left me for an hour or so to see if my contractions would get more regular and stronger... they didn't, so I got an i.v. drip of oxytocin to get them going. And boy did they get going... an hour or so later I was in so much pain I was loosing my mind... and I wasn't being over dramatic, trust me. I was getting contractions every 2 minutes or so and they were excruciating. The midwife called the anesthesiologists and I opted for an epidural. After I got the epidural we discovered that it actually wasn't doing much for me. It lowered my pain from a 10 to about an 8. After we upped the dosage a few times it numbed the contractions over my belly area but I was still feeling them down low... I was feeling a lot of pain and pressure. I was dialating wonderfully and was up to a full 10 in a couple of hours but when it was time to push I could only do it on my side - my but and legs were so numb from the epidural that I really couldn't do much with them. I did however feel the urge to push and I was pushing as much as I possibly could. After an hour or so of pushing a doctor came in to examine me and discovered that my boy was in a weird position - he wasn't facing 'the exit' but had the back of his had against it (I hope you know what I'm trying to say). She tried to turn him but couldn't so a cesarean section was the only option. Hubby was sent home before so I phoned him to get back asap. The whole medical team needed less than 10-15 minutes to prep me for theater and before I knew it the operation was in full swing... Thankfully the epidural allowed me to be awake during the whole thing so I saw my baby boy the minute they got him out of me. :)
And then I heard his weight - 4010g! Say what?! That's a big baby... no wonder I couldn't get him out. After that I don't remember much - I think they probably upped my dose or gave me some more sedatives so they could clean and stitch me up... the next thing I knew I was all done, they transferred me on a bed and wheeled me out of the theater and in the hallway, hubby was waiting for me with our baby boy in his arms (I'm crying as I'm typing this... oh, the hormones). :) I was then wheeled up to the ICU while hubby had an hour or so to cuddle with our little man. Then he was sent home and I got to have the little guy for an hour - he nursed right away, we cuddled a little and then he was taken away so I could rest. I was then told more about him by the nurses - he was 4010g 'big', 54 cm long and had a head circumference of 38 cm (the 'norm' is up to 35 cm). Again, no wonder I couldn't get him out by myself... I still can't believe I had such a huge baby in my belly - I gained a total of 6kg during my pregnancy, how could he weigh 4kg?! :D Amazing...
And that's about it for my labor and delivery story... it was hard and painful but in the end we both got out safe and sound and that's all that matters. I'm still recovering from the operation but I'm getting more and more back to myself as each day passes... The first week was really difficult and I was a total wreck but I'm feeling much better this week. I'll be talking a bit more about becoming a mom in a separate post. I was also planning on posting a bit about my boy (week after week or every month), so let me know if that's something you'd be interested in. :)
Hvala, ker si delila, meni je vedno fino brat porodne zgodbe :) Me pa pol tudi vedno jezi kaj vse delajo, da ja čimprej rodiš in si čim manj časa tam (kar na koncu ni vedno tako) pa čeprav več kot očitno telo še ni pripravljeno (ročno pridobivanje cm al kako bi se izrazila in drugo).. No ja, veseli me, da sta oba zdrava in vesela in želim ti čim hitrejše okrevanje :) xx
OdgovoriIzbrišiSuper, me veseli... :D Hja, jaz sem bila čez rok in že precej naveličana vsega (ker se nič ni premikalo naprej), tako da sem bila vesela, da so želeli pospešit porod, je pa res, da so umetni popadki bili nekaj najhujšega... :S Veliko bolje bi bilo, da bi me morda že prej pregledali oz. prej ugotovili, da je bila temenska vstava in da je tako velik, pa se ne bi matrala toliko pred carskim rezom... ampak so bolečine že čisto pozabljene, samo da si telo še čisto opomore, pa bo super. :D
IzbrišiJoj kako je luškan :) Me veseli, da se je na koncu vse super izšlo in da sta oba zdrava <3
OdgovoriIzbrišiSe že veselim prebiranja prihodnjih objav :)
Hvala Sanja! <3 Se bom potrudila in čim prej spisala še kakšno objavo... ;)
IzbrišiTudi meni, haha Jana :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiSploh zato, ker me vse to še čaka nekega dne in je fajn kaj že prej vedet.
Super si, da si tako hitro napisala objavo, želim si še kakšne ko boš pripravljena! Vso srečo mamici in Aljoši, čim manj neprespanih noči in čim več crkljanja <3
Hvala Katja! <3 Z veseljem spišem še več objav, če vas le zanima... :D
IzbrišiČestitke Maja! <3
OdgovoriIzbrišiLuškana objava. Jaz imam epiduralno podobne izkušnje, tako da sem bila na koncu na vseh možnih sredstvih za lajšanje bolečin. Sem pa normalno rodila, hvala bogu. Je pa neverjeten občutek kako je avtomatično vsega konec ko slšiš prvi jok... :) Ohh... sm kr kurjo polt dobila! Jaz sem rodila 9 dni pred rokom pa je bil 54cm in 4020g... si predstavljaš kak velikan bi bil če bi šla čez rok? Kje si pa rodila da so ti dragega tako šibali domov pa nazaj?
Vsaka čast, da si rodila takšnega velikana! :D Je pa res ja, takoj ko zaslišiš jok, vse pozabiš, pa čeprav nisem imela priložnosti ga sama poroditi, sem pa pozabila na vse bolečine pred tem. :D So mi ga takoj pokazali in prinesli, da sem mu dala lupčka. <3
IzbrišiRodila sem v Ljubljanski porodnišnici... dragega niso ravno pošiljali domov, ampak so mu pač večkrat vmes rekli, da bo še trajalo in da gre lahko domov oz. malo na zrak. Preden so se odločili za carski rez, je ravno skočil domov, da bi psičko peljal ven in jo nahranil, potem je pa moral leteti nazaj... :D
Čestitke! Čim več lepih trenutkov s tvojim sinčkom ;)
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala! <3