Empties #2

15. december 2013

Hello my lovelies! It's been way too long since I last posted an empties post... I'll have to do better. But at least I've managed to use up quite a lot of things in this time (I think). Some products will probably be more interesting than others but hey, that's just what I've been using.

I'm really bummed I never have anything makeup related to show you - I would love to hit pan on something, finish a lipstick, use up a foundation... anything. I will try to do some more MU looks soon and maybe one of those things will happen. :)

Liz Earle Cleanse & Polish hot cloth cleanser - I've finished another bottle of this amazing cleanser (I'm not sure, if this was the second or third bottle, I know a bottle lasts me quite a while). I just love this thing to pieces and can't imagine my life without it (dramatic, I know). Repurchase: already have, will never stop repurchasing probably :)

Equilibra Shea butter hand cream - I was sent this hand cream in exchange for a review and I've been loving it. It's a thick cream, deeply nourishing and has an awesome scent to it. Repurchase: I would, because it's a great hand cream, but the price tag is a bit too high

Alverde Deo Roll-on Soft (Aloe Vera, Pearl) - My 'standard' deodorant. I've been using it religiously for probably about 2 years, maybe even more. There are a few different  versions/scents and I love them all. Repurchase: already have :)

Liz Earle Eye Bright Soothing eye lotion - An amazing product that really helps with tired, puffy, even sore eyes - it just calms and soothes everything, lovely lotion. Repurchase: already have (the big size)

Afrodita Oliva oil-base nail polish remover - A good nail polish remover, it's supposed to be more gentle and nourishing for the nails... I didn't notice a huge difference comparing it to other nail polishes I used. :) Repurchase: probably no

Lush I love juicy shampoo - An awesome shampoo for oilier hair. You would thing it would be really harsh and make your hair squeaky clean, but it's actually very rich and creamy, yet leaves your hair very clean. I love it! Repurchase: already have, the big (500 ml) bottle :)

Lush American Cream conditioner - This conditioner smells divine and the scent actually lingers on your hair for a long time, which I love... but it's not very rich, it is moisturizing and of course helps give back some moisture to the hair, makes it smoother and less tangled, yet I find it's just not enough for my hair. Repurchase: no (maybe sometime, just because it smells so nice)

Avon Advance Techniques Dry end serum - A lovely serum or should I say oil that does a great job at nourishing and protecting hair ends, yet does not make your hair look greasy/wet. I also tried the newer version of this - the Moroccan Argan oil and it's basically the same thing. Love them both. Repurchase: maybe, though I'm really happy with Orofluido at the moment :)

Bettina Barty Rice milk & Vanilla bath & shower gel - I think I got this gel as a present some time ago. I really enjoyed using it, it had a lovely scent and wasn't drying. Repurchase: probably no

Nivea Coconut cream shower cream - A lovely shower cream/gel, had a nice coconut scent (though a bit fake, I mean there are better coconut scents out there). It was nice and creamy, was not drying. Repurchase: maybe

Balea Young Sweet Wonderland shower gel - I bought this shower gel because it was kind of 'circling' around the blogger world and was supposed to smell great. I have to say I was pretty disappointed with it - it was quite drying and the scent was a bit too sweet, almost sickly (and I love sweet scents). Repurchase: a definite no!

Nivea In-shower body milk - Another hyped up product that I decided to try out. It had no effect on my skin whatsoever but ironically, the very last time I used it and emptied it out, I kind of had a feeling that my skin was a bit more soft and moisturized when I stepped out of the shower... weird. :) Repurchase: no

Subrina Cuba Libre shower gel - I bought this purely because I liked the scent. It has a great cuba libre/cola scent to it. Other than that it's nothing special, an ok shower gel. Repurchase: no

Garnier Ultra Doux Apricot and Almond extract conditioner - A conditioner my husband choose for himself and I ended up using it up... An ok conditioner, nothing special. Repurchase: no

Liz Earle Orange flower botanical body wash - I got this shower gel/wash for free with my last purchase at Liz Earle. I was very excited to try it out since none of Liz Earle products have disappointed me so far... but unfortunately this was the first disappointment. I has a lovely, orange flower scent to it that actually lingers on the skin for a while, but I found it to be quite drying and I really hate that with shower gels. Repurchase: no

Rexona Activshower Fresh mint shower gel - A gel my husband got in a gift set and started using but didn't like it because it had a bit of a cooling effect to it, so I ended up using it up. I quite liked it, it was very refreshing, but nothing special, maybe even a tad drying (I prefer creamier, oilier shower gels/creams). Repurchase: no

Listerine antibacterial mouth wash - I got the green version first (it was my first Listerine wash). When we used it up, my husband suggested we get the purple one and I have to say I prefer it over the green one. It's a great mouthwash that really 'disinfects' your mouth and burns like a mother. :) Repurchase: already have (the purple one and the biggest bottle they have)

So here you have them... my recent empties. Nothing too exciting but I thought I would show them to you anyway. :) What have you been using up lately?

13 komentarjev:

  1. Js komaj čakam, da porabim tale Nivea In shower losjon, se mi čisto za brezveze vlači po tušu :) Mi je pa drugače tale Balein šampon zelo všeč, samo ga ne najdem več, ne vem če ni bil samo LE.

    1. Ma ja, jaz sem se ga kar prisilila uporabit vsakič, pa še precej obilno sem ga ponavadi nanesla (in upala, da bodo kakšni rezultati). Za Balein gel pa ne vem ali je bil LE, ampak se mi zdi, da sem ga pred kratkim še videla v DM-u (nisem sigurna).

  2. Meni je grozen ta odstranjevalac laka, preferiram navaden aceton :D

    1. No, meni ni bil grozen, pač je odstranil lak, ampak ni bil nič posebnega, zato sem potem raje kakšnega drugega vzela. :)

  3. Zadnje čase vse neki o Lushevih šamponih pišete, haha. Nisem probala še nobenega, ampak vidim da moram malo v nabavo. :D

    1. Sem sprobala tudi njihove trde šampone (v 'ploščicah') in so mi bili vredu, ampak mi je šlo malo na živce, da sem jih morala 'drgnit' po laseh in so se mi še malo bolj zapletali potem. Tale tekoči je pa fenomenalen. Bom mogoče sprobala še kakšnega drugega (tisti z medom me mika). :)

  4. Malo si se zatipkala,krema za roke je Equilibra :) Koliko pa je cena?
    Se pa strinjam glede Garnier balzama,ful povprečen.Mi je pa šampon iz iste linije božanski :)

    1. Hvala, sem popravila. :) Trenutno je na spletni strani Vital Market cena 9,99 €, na moji kremici pa je bila nalepljena cena 12 € (in nekaj čez). Saj ni tako 'huda' cena, ampak recimo krema za roke od Nuxe je isto okoli 11-12 €, pa gre za (meni osebno) zelo kvalitetno znamko (kar ni za reči, da Equilibra ni kvalitetna). Pa tudi dobijo se veliko cenejše kreme, ki so pravzaprav enako kvalitetne, zato ne bi ponovila nakupa.

    2. Malenkost ;) Uh,cena je res kar navita. Na splošno je ta znamka v SLO ful draga. Jaz Equilibrio poznam iz Italije (sicer res le kreme za obraz in za telo) in je precej (beri nekje pol) cenejša kot pri nas.

  5. Avon olje za lase sem uporabljala ful časa, zdej sm pa nekako dobila boljše nadomestke... Ah Nivea gel za tuširanje pa....ne vem me ni prepričal. Zdej ima Balea isto tole foro sem gledala...samo se morem malo zadrževat, šele po novem letu pride kaj na vrsto ;)

    1. Kaj pa zdaj uporabljaš namesto Avonovega olja? :)

      Ja, tale 'mleka' za tuširanje so meni bolj lari-fari... pač se je treba namazat s kremo/oljem, ko prideš izpod tuša, če imaš suho kožo. :D

  6. Alverde deodorante bo potrebno kupit. Hvala za predlog (:

    1. Meni so odlični, zelo nežni, zelo lepo dišijo, ne puščajo mi belih madežev na oblačilih oz. včasih pustijo bel madež (takoj ko se oblečeš in malo podrgneš pod pazduhami), ampak potem se to posuši in izgine, ne ostane gor. Gre pa za nežne deodorante, tako da če iščeš nekaj kar bo preprečevalo potenje skozi cel dan, to ni to. :)
