Urban Decay Vice2 palette

12. december 2013

Hello lovelies! I have another awesome post for you today (I hope you're loving my everyday blogging, I've been really motivated). :) As I've already said in my haul post, my next eyeshadow palette was supposed to be the new Naked3 palette. I was waiting for it to be available (well, still am), but in the mean time, I was browsing around BeautyBay and stumbled across this beauty. It was on sale and it's also a limited edition palette, so I decided to get it. :) I can say right away that I haven't regret that decision at all.

This is an absolutely stunning palette! It has a lovely, hard plastic packaging that looks and feels really luxurious. To me it looks like an imitation of wood with a lovely orchid pattern going through it. No two palettes have the same pattern, which is also something interesting. The 'UD' writing/letters look like they're made from glass/crystal and actually 'stick out' a bit - another gorgeous detail! :)

Another awesome thing about this palette is the way it opens - you press in the button in front and it opens automatically/by itself. But it doesn't just pop out a little so you would have to open it all the way, it actually opens and then stops at a certain point, leaving the huge mirror at just the right angle so you can see yourself in it, if you have the palette on a table in front of you. Genius I tell you! :D

The palette contains 20 beautiful eyeshadows and also a double-ended brush (which is of excellent quality, unlike some lousy brushes you get with eyeshadow palettes). I find every single eyeshadow to be beautiful in its own way, there is not one that I hate or wouldn't use. You get 3 darker/blacker shades, some lovely blues and purples, gorgeous emerald and olive green, a silver and a gold and a whole row of neutrals. There are only 2 matte shades in the palette, though there are a few that are matte with glitter in them or almost matte, with a little sheen to them. :)

Pretty much all eyeshadows have great pigmentation (as is expected from Urban Decay) and a lovely buttery formula - some more buttery than others. I would say that the last/bottom row eyeshadows (neutrals) have the best formula but there is not one eyeshadow that has really poor pigmentation or a chalky, powdery feel to it. I tried to show you the best swatches I could and they are very realistic, but I have to tell you right away, that some of these swatches really don't do the eyeshadows justice, you have to see some of them in person and in different lighting, to really appreciate how stunning they actually are. :) Now let's see how they look, shall we?

SMOKEOUT - a gorgeous mixture of black, brown and purple, very unique :) it's not a shimmery eyeshadow, more of a satin, great pigmentation
LOVESICK - a matte grey-black shade with multicolored glitter running through it, has a lovely formula, but the pigmentation isn't the best (it can be built up though)
SHELLSHOCK - a stunning, metallic silver shade with a buttery formula and awesome pigmentation
COAX - a lovely, medium pink shade, has some gold micro-glitter running through it, very nice pigmentation

X-RATED - another lovely pink shade, this one is more on the lighter side, could be called even a baby pink, has a lovely sheen, appears almost matte in the pan, very nice pigmentation
PRANK - a very dark navy shade with green/turquoise glitter running through it, awesome pigmentation, stunning shade :)
MADNESS - a beautiful, bright blue shade, again not that shimmery, more of a satin, great pigmentation, gorgeous color
STRIKE - a lovely, antique gold color, again has a lovely sheen to it, great pigmentation

STASH - a beautiful, dark olive green shade, lovely formula and pigmentation
POISON - a lovely charcoal color, has some grey and blue in it, definitely has some micro-glitter in it, very nice formula and pigmentation
RADAR - a mixture between dark chocolate brown and bronze, again has some micro-glitter running through it, awesome formula and pigmentation
DAMAGED - gorgeous emerald green with a lovely sheen to it, awesome pigmentation

VODOO - dark purple shade with pink/purple micro-glitter, great pigmentation
BETRAYAL - bright purple with a blue shift, a really stunning shade, it's a satin, not a shimmery/glittery shade, great pigmentation
DERAILED - medium taupey-brown shade, satin, awesome formula and pigmentation, gorgeous color
DOPE - warm, pink/champagne satin shade, awesome formula and pigmentation, love this shade

TOXIC - a beautiful coppery-pink shade, satin with a bit of micro-glitter in it, great formula and pigmentation
HABIT - one of the two matte shades in the palette, a light pink-nude shade, a gorgeous velvety, buttery formula, excellent pigmentation
AMBUSH - a metallic brown shade with a hint of copper in it, excellent formula and pigmentation (one of the best in the whole palette)
REWIND - the second matte shade in the palette, a medium brown, more on the cool side, lovely formula and pigmentation

So, what are your thougths on the pallete - like it, love it, hate it? Which shade is your favorite? :)

21 komentarjev:

  1. Kakšne božanske barve :)

    Podobne moji Sephorini paletki :)

  2. Zelo lepi odtenki:). Meni je najprej padel v oči Damaged - zelo lep odtenek:)

    1. Ja, meni je tudi ta takoj padel v oči, pa nič takega nisem imela v svoji kolekciji... :D

  3. Nekatera senčila so mi bolj všeč, nekatera manj, ampak paleta bi bila uporabna. Joj, punca, pa kak makeup look pokazat, me prav zanima, kaj ustvarjaš s to paleto. :)

    1. Uhhh... več kot uporabna je. :) In pa... hold your horses, bodo prišli makeup looki, nič bat. :D

  4. Škoda da ni onega smeška ki se onesvesti od vznemirjenja! Madonca so lepe senčke

  5. The swatches look amazing!! My favourite is Ambush +.+

    1. Thank you! It really is a stunning palette... :D

  6. Oh wow... Nisem sicer neki ful blazna fanica UD, predrago mi je, sploh glede na to, da MUA vse pokopira z zelo dobro kvaliteto, zato si nikoli nisem zares blazno želela UD palet. Ampak tole... <3 Krasni swatchi!! Obožujem svetleča senčila, mi je pa top to, da so dali zraven še dve rjavi mat, <3<3<3!!! Fouš! ;)))

    1. Jst sm pa die-hard fan UD, imajo najboljše kvalitete senčk, še posebej celotna Naked linija... Redko katere senčke se jim približajo v kvaliteti (mogoče Too Faced in Inglot).

      Sem res zelo zadovoljna s to paletko, ker sem sama tudi bolj za shimmer/satin senčila, je pa res fajn, da imaš tudi dve takšni nevtralni mat barvi notri. :)

  7. Meni so isto barve čist hude, zdaj večkrat nosim barvne senčke na očeh :D Pa funkcionalnost embalaže mi je všeč, ker se okno res čisto prav odpre. Glede ostalega se pa moji vtisi mal razlikujejo, ampak o tem več naslednji teden :P

    1. No, komej čakam, da preberem tvojo oceno... :D

  8. Res je čudovita paletka, vredna svojega denarja, pa še limited je... ti toplo priporočam, da si jo privoščiš, ne boš razočarana. :D Jaz mislim, da odkar sem jo dobila, sem se skoraj vsakič namazala s senčkami iz te palete. :)

  9. Lucky! You got that on sale! I love all the colors in this palette. The swatches are just gorgeous!

    1. Yup... it was still pretty expensive, but totally worth the money. :)

  10. Mene pa tale sploh ne potegne (prosim ne me ubit!). Sej senčke ful lepe zgledajo, samo jaz je verjetno ne bi veliko uporabljala, ker sem bolj zvesta nevtralnim odtenkom. :)

    1. Eh... kaj čm te ubit. :D Sej mamo lahko različne okuse a ne? Jaz sem vedno za nevtralne senčke, ampak imam rada tudi kakšne bolj za 'igrat' in tale paletka ima oboje. :)

  11. Damaged je b-e-a-utiful!! :)
    super paletka :)

    1. Se strinjam, čudovit odtenek je! In tudi na splošno sem zelo zadovoljna s to paleto. :D
