Yves Rocher event

11. december 2013

Hello my lovelies! Today I have an awesome, picture-heavy post for you. I was lucky enough to have been invited by Yves Rocher Slovenija to an event for beauty bloggers. I was really happy when I got the mail and couldn't wait for the day to arrive. I was joined by four other bloggers, including Nuša (Moonchild Beauty), Sanja (Sparkle with laughter), Sandra (The Puzzle of Sandra's life) and Sara (Passing Fancy). I  knew Nuša, because we have met before and went for a cup of coffee, but I've never met any of the other girls in person, so I was really looking forward to spending some time with them as well. :) 

We met a few hours earlier so we could 'pass' a few shops on the way and grab a cup of tea (I was going to say coffee, but we really all drank tea). :) We chatted for a while and then went to the Yves Rocher shop where the event was held. When we entered, I saw a cute small store with tons of inviting products, I mean come on... just look at those shelves. :)

We received a warm welcome and were sited behind a cute little table (apparently I'll be using the word 'cute' a lot throughout this post), that had some delicious goodies on it. :) At first we were introduced to the brand and it's creator, history, philosophy. I think none of us really knew the brand well, so it was a welcomed introduction indeed. :) After the initial introduction of the brand and it's lines/products, the girls kindly let us explore on our own and go crazy basically (we were like kids in a candy store). If we had any questions, we could just asked them or they would let us know about certain products as we were exploring (bestsellers and other popular products, for example).

Jingle bells, jingle bells... swatching all the way! :)

yup, that looks real nice...

I NEED that lipstick! :)

the beautiful Sara (Passing Fancy)

Nuša, being all happy and browsing around :)

beauties Sanja (Sparkle with laughter) and Sara checking out the perfume shelves

We looked, swatched and smelled until we couldn't look, swatch or smell anymore... and then we did that some more. :) No, really... we couldn't stop. The girls had to remind us to eat and drink and take a breath. :) We were just having so much fun. It's just something really special when you have a store to yourself and have the opportunity and freedom to really check out all the products, without feeling rushed or asked what you're looking for, a thousand times... you know what I mean, right? :)

So... after we munched on some delicious cookies/biscuits and 'browsed' around some more, the girls had a lovely surprise for us or should I say surprises (plural!). :) We were given one gift set after another and were slowly but surely falling into a deep beauty blogger coma from all the wonderful things we have received. Seriously, we just couldn't believe what was going on. Of course you always hope you'll be able to try out some products, especially, if it's a brand you haven't tried out before, but that's not the reason you go to events (at least I don't). I think most of us beauty bloggers just love to be acknowledged and appreciated for our 'work' and when a certain makeup/beauty brand invites you to an event, you're just happy they've found you and decided you're good enough for them to 'join the party'. :) But when you get a ton of products to try out, well... that just a huge cherry on top.

delicious goodies :D

beautiful Yves Rocher girls <3

the gifts just kept on coming... :)

the lovely Sandra (The Puzzle of Sandra's life)

the ever so gorgeous Nuša (Moonchild Beauty Blog) <3

chatting and having a great time :)

again, 'our' lovely girls <3

our goodie bags that were filled up so we could barely carry them :)

All in all this was one super exciting day and I think we all went home very, very happy (I know I was very happy... as soon as I came home, I started to explore all the goodies from my goodie bag, I was like a child with some fun new toys). I really enjoyed the company of my fellow bloggers and I was especially pleased with the Yves Rocher girls. They were super nice, super friendly and did a fantastic job at hosting this event. Because of them, we all felt very comfortable and had a lovely time. You were great girls! :D

And now... let's take a little sneak-peak at what I got in my goodie bag. I get so excited just by looking at these pictures. Can't wait to try all of these things out... :)

19 komentarjev:

  1. Aaaa, komi čakam da se še js spravim napisat tole objavo :) Sem spet čist navdušena ratala ko sem brala in gledala slike :)

    1. Jaaa... dej čim prej, mi je ful zanimivo brat, kako vsaka po svoje opiše. :D

  2. Ooo waw! FUL dobro, da je vedno VEČ EVENTOV za bloggerke! :D

    1. Ja, to je bil zdaj moj drugi... upam, da jih bo še več. :)

  3. Aaaaaa fauš! Ubistvu ste ble sam 4 povabljene ane, če prav razumem?

    1. Ne, 5 nas je bilo - jaz plus še 4 druge (mene ni na nobeni sliki, ker sem bila fotograf). :D Jih je bilo še nekaj povabljenih, ampak niso mogle priti.

  4. O ful dobro! Sem sicer pričakovala čisto drugo skupino blogerk k vem da so ene 3 k jim non stop reklame delajo, ampak sem prav vesela, da vidim vas k mi mate čisto bolj pristne poste :D

    Kakšna lepa punca je pa Sara, waw! :D

    Naslednjič le dej še komu fotoaparat, da boš tudi ti na kakšni fotki :D
    Pa predstavitve izdelkov komaj čakam! :D

    1. Ja, sem bla kar presenečena ko so mi poslali vabilo, tole je šele moj drug event. :) Ja, vse punce so ful lušne! Nisem se spomnila, da bi me katera slikala... pa tudi čisto preveč so ble zaposlene, hehe. :D

  5. Pa reeeeees joj zakaj nisi rekla da še tebe katera slika?! :D
    Joj pa ful so dobre fotke izdelkov, mi boš natančno opisala tvoj lightbox da si ga naštimam v (niti ne več tako) novi sobi :D
    Pa upam, da bodo taki eventi zdaj čedalje bolj popularni :) (in dejansko ne zaradi izdelkov, ampak ker je bil res perfekten večer)

    ♥, moonchild beauty blog

    1. Eh, ne sekirej se... važno, da sm jst vas poslikala. :D
      Ja, bom se potrudila en post spisat kako ima postavljen lightbox in kako potem še uredim slike - sem tudi jaz zelo zadovoljna z njimi. :)

  6. Hihi, saj vem da je bil tvoj drugi event! ;) Btw jaz sem bila samo na enem, tako da ne vem kako ve punce pridete na listo vseh teh drugih eventov? :D
    Jaz bi tudi šla še na kakšen event no.. :P

  7. Iiii, me je kar in the happy mood tale post spravil. Res je blo luštno. Se moramo dobiti vsaj še na kakem čaju v bližnji prihodnosti. :)

  8. Wwaaww...full dobr, lepe stvari si dobila :)

    1. Ja, super smo se mele in čudovite stvari smo dobile... :D

  9. Uu, zgleda da ste se mele fajn. Upam, da v bližnji prihodnosti sploh kaj od njih probam, ker še nisem :)

    1. Super je bilo! In kar sem do zdaj sprobala njihovih izdelkov, so mi zelo všeč... :)
