Hello my lovelies! I hope you're having a wonderful day, although it's foggy and miserable outside. :) Today I'll be (finally) reviewing Skin Base foundation from Illamasqua. A month or so ago I decided to try out a few high-end foundation in hopes of founding the right one for me. I was a bit tired of testing out drugstore foundation that turned out to be a waste of money (not all, but most of them). I just couldn't find one that would work for me so I decided to venture into some more expensive brands. I don't always believe that you get what you pay for, but in this case I can tell you it's true.
When I went to the drugstore to get a sample/tester of this foundation, I also got a sample of one of Dior's foundations as well as one of Chanel's foundations. After testing all three out, I decided to get Skin Base. It just preformed the best out of the three and was also the most affordable. I decided I would pick it up when I attended the Illamasqua event, because there was a 10% discount on all makeup that day, so I ended up getting it for around 32 €, which isn't bad at all in my opinion. :)
Before I go into more details about the foundation itself, can we just adress the packaging? Isn't it beautiful? It's not a glass bottle with diamonds embroidered in it (exaggerating a bit, I know), but it just looks amazing, different. I think Illamasqua really has interesting and very appealing packaging for all their products. The bottle itself is made from hard plastic and is a bit hard to squeeze, but that also means the foundation won't just pour or leak out on its own. The cap twists on and off very nicely.
Illamasqua Skin Base in 3.5 on the left and Revlon Nearly Naked in Vanilla on the right |
Now let me tell you why I love this foundation... First of all, it comes in a lot of different shades that have eater a pink or yellow undertone to them, but they also offer a white foundation you can use to mix your foundation with, so you can get a lighter shade (brilliant I tell you!). Shade 3.5 is a great match for my pink undertone. And if you're thinking my neck looks more yellow than my face when I wear this foundation (on the picture bellow), it's because it really is more yellow than the skin on face - as you can hopefully see on the 'no makeup' picture as well. :) Most foundation look very yellow, even orange on my skin tone, so I'm really happy this one leans towards pink.
The foundation is quite thick and it's supposed to preform like a BB cream but at the same time not feel creamy/heavy on the skin... and I can tell you, it does a superb job at that. It covers imperfections like a dream - I would dare call it a full coverage foundation. It immediately takes away any redness, evens out your complexion and creates a perfect canvas for everything else that comes after it. :)
As it is a full coverage foundation, you can of course tell someone is wearing it. It does not look like your second skin, it's not super natural, so if you don't like that look, this foundation is not for you. It's a very perfecting foundation that makes your skin look absolutely flawless, without looking cakey (I love to apply it with my Real Techniques Miracle Complexion sponge to get a really flawless look). It has a dewy finish that's very obvious when you first put it on but 'calms' down as the foundation sets in. You can of course set it with a mattifying powder and achieve a matte look, if you'd like. I set it only on my T-zone, so I don't look too shiny, but I leave the cheeks alone so I keep a bit of that healthy glow.
no makeup, wearing just a moisturizer |
wearing Skin Base foundation applied with a Real Techniques Miracle complexion sponge |
Another thing I absolutely love about this foundation is it's lasting power. This is the first foundation that lasts on my skin throughout the day without melting off. Though I have to admit, I haven't tested it in the summer heat, so I can't say how it works in really hot weather. :) It does wear off a bit on my nose usually, but I don't mind that - my nose gets the most oily/shiny + I wear glasses + I tend to scratch it or blow it (now that it's cold and everything). The rest of my face stays 'in tact' right up until I take my makeup off and I know that because I can see my bronzer and blush look exactly the same as they did when I applied them.
So what's there more to say really? It's an awesome, lightweight, full coverage foundation that lasts all day. It's the bomb and if you're looking for a foundation like that, you should definitely try this one out. :)
Izgleda res dobro :) Ravno iščem en puder, ki ima malo več prekrivnosti, ker so me moje pege začele motit, ampak da ni tako suh kot Maximum Cover. Odtenek verjetno bi dobila pri tem pudru, vsaj upam, samo me skrbi, da ni slučajno tak pri katerem je tisti moker/rahlo limast filing, ker tega res ne maram. Ta Rimmelov Match Pefection, ki sem ga nazadnje kupila je tak in traja forever, da se posuši :/
OdgovoriIzbrišiHja, ima nekaj časa tak, rahlo limast občutek, ko se da dotakneš z roko. Ampak se mi zdi, da se potem lepo vsede, še posebej, če daš puder čez. :) Dobro bi blo, da si greš najprej po tester pa sprobaš... Je pa tak zelo kremast, vlažilen, super za suho kožo, ampak moji mešani tudi odgovarja. :)
IzbrišiNe maram ravno nekaj dosti pudra v prahu gor dajat, ker vse uniči in potem izgleda tako očitno, da imam nekaj gor. Ga dajem samo pod oči in okrog nosa. Bom šla mogoče po tester, thanks :)
IzbrišiGreš v bilo katerega Mullerja v Ljubljani, samo s sabo moraš prinesti prazen lonček, da ti notri stisnejo puder (ne dajejo teh 'standardnih' testerjev). :)
IzbrišiVau super zgleda! :) x
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala, meni je tudi zelo všeč. :D
IzbrišiFul dobro izgleda. Ne morem verjeti, da imaš isti odtenek kot so mene 'matchali'. 3.5. Morem sicer še dobiti testerček, ampak je izgledalo super :D.
OdgovoriIzbrišiFul lepa embalaža, joj!
Hvala! Pojdi po testerček, pa boš videla kako ti bo odgovarjal... :)
IzbrišiRes dobro izgleda :) Mi je pa zanimivo da ti je tako všeč, ker kolegica ima pa same probleme z njim :) Bom morala očitno tudi jaz po tester, če bom kupovala, da vidim kako se na meni obnese :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala! Ja, meni je res zelo všeč, še posebej zdaj, ko je mrzlo zunaj... Mogoče mi poleti ne bo toliko odgovarjal, bomo videli.
IzbrišiKakšne probleme ima pa kolegica z njim?
Ful fajn zgleda na tebi, razlika je očitna. A tuba ni pretrda za stiskat? To je edino vprašanje, ki se meni poraja, da se proti koncu ne bo dalo vse podlage porabit :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiDrugače pa super review.
Hvala! :) Ne, ni pretrda za stiskat, ampak je treba malo bolj stisnit, ker ni iz mehke plastike. Ne vem kako bo, ko bo notri še čisto malo, ampak mislim, da bom spravila ven. :)
IzbrišiZgleda zelo lepo, ampak bi ga morala seveda sprobati. Sicer sem bolj pristašica manj prikrivnih, naravnih podlag za vsak dan, ampak tam pa tam bi mi pa tudi kaka bolj prikrivna prav prišla... :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiJa, definitivno je za sprobat najprej, jaz ga tudi ne bi na slepo upala kupit. :) Tudi jaz sem praktično do zdaj nosila samo mineralno podlago, ampak moram reči, da sem zelo zadovoljna z 'novim videzom', všeč mi je kako izpade makeup s pomočjo te podlage - takšen brezhiben, airbrushed look. :)
Izbrišihmmm... Nikoli ne bi rekla, da imaš roza podton...
OdgovoriIzbrišiMogoče na sliki ni videt... imam definitivno roza podton, ker vsi pudri, ki so za rumen oz. nevtralen podton, na meni rumeno izpadejo. :)