Another huge wishlist :)

14. junij 2014

Hello darlings! :) Today I have (as the title suggests) another huuuuge wishlist to share with you. Some of the products will end up in my shopping bag this month, but most will probably stay on the wishlist and await better days (ain't nobody got money fo' that!). :)

Bourjois Poudre De Riz De Java | Bourjois CC cream | Clarins Instant Light lip perfector
Essie Find me an oasis | OPI My vampire is buff
Clinique Chubby Stick intense | Illamasqua powder blush | Revlon ColorBurst matte lip balm

I'll probably be picking up Bourjois Poudre De Riz De Java (Mateja is to blame for this!) and the new CC cream (I have the CC eye cream and I love it, so I really want to try the one for the face as well). 

I still haven't bought any Illamasqua blushes (shame on me!) and I really need to pick one up asap but I'm afraid it will have to wait another month or so (you know, sometimes you just have to prioritize). :) 

Some lip products that caught my eye recently were the famous Lip perfectors from Clarins and the lip 'crayons' from Clinique and Revlon. I'll be picking one or two of those, not sure which ones yet. 

I've been quite good at controlling my nail polish obsession for a while, but I really want to get Essie's Find me an oasis (Resort collection) and OPI's My vampire is buff. :)

Paul Mitchel Lemon Sage Shampoo&Conditioner | Kerastase K Forme Fatale | Too Faced Teddy Bear Hair brush set
Zoeva Lux Complete set
| Clarins Gentle Exfoliatior toner | Pixi Glow Tonic | Balance Me cleanser

The second 'group' consists of some 'lust' products which I won't be getting for quite some time and some products which I intend to buy quite soon. I'll probably be getting Paul Mitchel's Lemon Sage shampoo and conditioner, because I'm running low on my Prive Daily shampoo and conditioner. Kerastase K Forme Fatale blow-out balm will have to wait it's turn (I need to use up Tigi's Catwalk Mystique blow-out balm first), even though I really, really want to try it (thanks Mateja!). :)

Zoeva's brushes have been on my mind for quite some time but currently they aren't really budget friendly for me, so they'll have to wait a bit. On the other side, Too Faced Teddy Bear hair brush set will probably just remain on my wishlist, becuase it is crazy expensive and I'm not sure if it's worth the money (but it's just so pretty, right? I mean just look at it and the name - Teddy Bear Hair brush set... so cute!). :)

When I'll be running low on Mario Badescu Glycolic acid toner, I'll either pick up Clarins Gentle Exfoliator or Pixi's Glow tonic (or both). :) And when I go through my stash of cleansers I'll be definitely trying out Balance Me Cleanse and Smooth face balm (another purchase I'll end up blaming on Mateja). :)

LRP Rosalic UV Legere
| LRP Anthelios XL tinted cream & tinted fluid | LRP Hydreane BB cream
Senscience Inner restore intesif
| Kerastase Bain Divalent | Garnier Miracle cream

A few La Roche-Posay products I've been wanting are the Rosallic UV Legere, Anthelios XL tinted cream or tinted fluid (or both) and Hydreane BB cream. The Rosallic cream seems really interesting because it's supposed to calm down the skin and take away redness (even though I don't have rosacea, my skin does get quite red and a bit sensitive, especially now with the combination of sweat and sun). The two Anthelios products seem very interesting, because I absolutely love the 'normal' version of the fluid, so I'm intrigued by the tint in both the fluid and cream - a little makeup with sun protection? Yes, please! :) The BB cream also sounds interesting, but I'll probably try to get a sample before buying it.

A little hair treat I wanted to try for ages is Senscience Inner restore intesif - it's one of BeautyBay's best-sellers and has a ton of positive reviews, so I'm really curious (plus it has a great price tag). If the Paul Mitchel shampoo&conditioner duo doesn't turn out great, I was planning on trying Kerastase Bain Divalent for combination hair (oily scalp, dry ends). I haven't tried anything from Kerastase before and I hear great things about their products. :)

Last but not least is Garnier's Miracle Cream (again, Mateja is to be blamed). I find these kind of 'miracle/self-adjusting' tinted creams fascinating, so I just might get it. :)

Orangeasm Body wash | Whipped Clean Shower Butter | Sugar Crush Body Wash | Ultimelt cleanser
Smoothie Breakfast scrub | Scrub your nose in it | The Scrub of your life

Last but not least is Soap & Glory. I haven't paid much attention to this brand before (even though I heard a lot about their products), but recently Essie (essiebutton) made a video focusing on this brand and now I want to try everything from them! :) The ones that are on the top of my wishlist are Orangeasm and Sugar Crush body washes, Whipped Clean shower butter, Smoothie Breakfast scrub and The Scrub of your life and two face products - Ultimelt hot cloth cleanser and Scrub your nose in it, AHA facial scrub. Now that Boots ships to Slovenia (thanks Mateja, thank you for making me spend all this money!) I really 'need' to try a few things from them... :)

So, here you have it... my obnoxiously long wishlist that just keeps on getting longer and longer (and there are so many other products I decided not to feature this time). :)

What are you lusting after at the moment?

19 komentarjev:

  1. hah to pa je ena wish lista :D
    Večina stvari mi je všeč, jaz bi najraje sprobala kaj od Soap & Glory :)
    Drugače pa tisti Clarins Lip perfector mi je krnekaj, čist malo barve da, pa ni nekaj posebnega v formuli :P (mam tisti prvi peachy odtenek na sliki)

    1. Ja, od teh Lip perfectorjev ne pričakujem nič posebnega, ker sem prebrala precej ocen, da vem da so bolj kot ne običajni lip glosi, ampak me še vseeno privlačijo (tako lepo izgledajo in imajo super aplikator). :)

    2. Catrice ma v načrtu eno kolekcijo, ko bodo tile zlo podobni :D sem naročena na njihove blogger novice :P

    3. Aja? Super! Upam, da bodo dobri... :D

  2. Meni so Chubby Sticks od Clinique super, od Revlona mi pa niso glih všeč. Preveč so mi take voskaste pa zelo so 'minty'. No, enim je ravno to všeč, ampak meni ni. :D

    1. Mislim, da bom tudi jaz raje vzela Chubby Sticks, ker vem da sem enkrat nekaj testirala/vohala tele od Revlona v drogeriji in mi niso bili najbolj všeč... ampak sem upala, da so te z mat formulo mogoče drugačni. :S

  3. Ups, sploh ne vem a mi je objavilo prvi komentar... Če se boš odločala za nakup je Bourjois CC kremica pametna odločitev ;)

    1. Super! Slišim same pozitivne reči o tej kremi, tako da bo kar treba po njo... :)

  4. Prav smejem se, ko vidim da sem kriva za praktično pol wishliste :D Lepo, da tako zaupaš mojim priporočilom, si mi polepšala dan :)
    Poudre De Riz De Java rabiš (*nods intensely*), nisem še naredila review, but I love it. Se strinjam z vso tvojo izbiro na tvoji epic, awesome wishlisti :) Soap & Glory je tudi ena izmed znamk, ki bi jo rada raziskala, škoda da je nimajo na Boots. Sem pa danes spet naročila tam, upam da hitro pride paket :)

    1. Zaupam, zaupam! Ni nobena skrivnost, da si moja najljubša slovenska blogerka... :D

      Ja, tale puder bom zgleda kar morala kupit. Soap & Glory izdelke pa seveda imajo na Boots, sem dala tudi linke do vsakega izdelka spodaj po slikami... zato pa bi jih rada, ker vem da jih zdaj lahko dobim. :)

    2. Kaj res :D Well, thank you very much :D Ti in tvoj blog sta awesome :)

      Vem, da si dala linke, samo to ni na Boots international, ki pošilja k nam, ampak britanska verzija, ki je ločena. Na International kolikor vem, te znamke na žalost ni :/

    3. Hvala! <3

      In on ne! Sem mislila, da je to vseeno kje gledaš... zdaj se bom pa kar zjokala, ker jih ne morem na Boots nabavit. A slučajno veš za katero drugo stran, da ima to znamko ali preostane samo Ebay? :(

    4. I know, it's so sad :( Ne vem v čem je fora, da ne pošiljajo vsega kar imajo v ponudbi.
      Nič drugega ne poznam kot eBay. Včasih je bil celo na Asosu, zdaj še tam ne več. V Gradcu je Soap & Glory, samo je drago.

    5. Ah... jah nič, bomo pa pač na eBay-u morali nabavit. :D Sem že našla ugodnega prodajalca... ;)

  5. Super wishlista, par teh stvari imam tudi sama zapisanih :) CC krema in Illamasqua blushi so pa zakon, pomoje ne boš obžalovala nakupa :D

    1. Katere pa? :D

      Verjamem, da ne bom obžalovala... Če bi imela denar, bi vse pokupila! :D

    2. Zoeva čopiče, Soap&Glory, Garnier miracle cream, Balance me cleanser in Revlon lip balme :D
      Ah ja, tudi mene denar drži nazaj :P

  6. Če boš vzela katerega od Revlon Balmov priporočam Demure (Lacque) ki je podoben Hue in pa Elusive (Matte) :P

    1. Sem zadnjič 15 minut stala v Mullerju in vse swatchala, na koncu pa odšla ven brez. Nisem se mogla odločit, nekako mi ni bil noben odtenek waw, pa morala bi jih videt na ustnicah... Sem pa našla Clinique Chubby sticks znižane na 17 €, tudi poswatchala vse in se spet nisem mogla odločit... Tole bo zgleda še trajalo. :)
