Hello hunnies! Today I thought I'd say a few words about a lipstick I totally forgot to review (shame on me!). When Aida got me four Mac lipsticks when she was in Lisbon, I really fell in love with all of them... I reviewed the other three (Syrup, Crosswires and Viva Glam Rihanna) but somehow forgot about this little one. :)
The finish of this shade is Lustre (just like Syrup's), but I find the formula is the same between all four of my Mac lipsticks - very creamy and opaque (just the way I like them). :)
The lipstick glides on the lips effortlessly and you only need one or two swipes for full opacity. It doesn't tend to cling to dry patches, but if you have really chapped lips, you should definitely exfoliate prior.
The name, Plumful, suits it perfectly - it's a gorgeous plumy shade that is amazing for fall/winter, but I'd dare to say it's an all year round color. It's a very sophisticated, chic shade that will instantly make you look a bit more glam or at least a bit more pulled together. :)
I think the lipstick turned out a bit lighter on the pictures bellow, than it actually looks in real life, but you can clearly see the plumy-ness of it. :) This could be an easy, everyday shade for women with darker skin tones, for me that's Syrup, this one looks pretty bold on my pale lips and against my pale complexion.
All in all, I love all four of my Mac lipsticks and I have to say I'm itching badly for some new shades. Now, I would send Aida back to Lisbon to get some more for me, but I guess I'll just have to get my hubby to take me to Zagreb some time soon. :)
So, what are your thoughts on this shade - something for you? Have you tried Mac lipsticks, which are your favorite shades?
P.S. go check out Aida's amazing Mac lipstick collection and feast your eyes ;)
Lep odtenek. ❤
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala! :D
IzbrišiZelo lep odtenek ;)
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala! ;)
IzbrišiFul mi je všeč odtenek, morem naslednjič malo pogledat ko bom kje blizu MAC-a. Sem pa trenutno čisto obsedena s Syrup :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiSyrup je super ja... :) Katere druge odtenke pa še imaš?
IzbrišiSe z veseljem javim, da grem še kdaj v Lizbono pogledat, najbolš bi pa blo, če bi šle skupi - cray cray time :D In pa kot vedno - hvala za link share ;)
OdgovoriIzbrišiHehe... sej vem da bi takoj šla mal nazaj pogledat. :) In ja, če bi šle skupi, pol nas ne bi blo 5 ur vn iz Sephore in ostalih drogerij. :D
IzbrišiSem mislila, da je temnejša, potem na ustnicah, pa je zelo svetla... Kljub temu pa zelo lepa.
OdgovoriIzbrišiSem napisala, da je na slikah izpadla malenkost svetlejša kot je v resnici. Rahlo bolj temna je... ;)