Hello my lovelies! Boy, do I have an awesome post for you today... and a picture heavy one as well. :) I was lucky enough to attend an Illamasqua event that took place in one of our Muller drugstores (thank you Tina!). It wasn't so much a presentation of the brand itself (though that too), it was more about using the products from the brand and creating makeup looks with them (beauty and fantasy).
There were several Illamasqua makeup artists there, including Ivana Bilandžija Billy, Mihaela Dodić and Lea Bratušek. And of course, several beautiful models. :) We were mostly 'hanging' around with Billy, watching her create a beautiful fantasy makeup, but at the end, we also took a little peek at Mihaela Dodić's beauty makeup.
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Beautiful models (Foto: Jure Perisic) |
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Illamasqua makeup artists Mihaela Dodić & Lea Bratušek (Foto: Jure Perisic) |
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Fantasy makeup (Foto: Jure Perisic) |
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Beauty makeup (Foto: Jure Perisic) |
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Fantasy makeup (Foto: Jure Perisic) |
I met with my fellow beauty bloggers - Ana Ina (Lovely Little Lux-uries), Živa (Nothin' fancy. Really) and Deja (DejaZu), an hour and a half early so we could grab some coffee and get to know each other (that hour and a half was way too short). Then we came to the drugstore together where we received a warm welcome and some cocktails. There was great music, cocktails, makeup artists, models, makeup, great company... what more could a beauty blogger want?! :D
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a great photo of Deja (DejaZu) smiling for the camera :) |
After a few cocktails (just kidding)... Billy invited us over to watch her do her magic and ask any questions we had for her. We were mostly just taking photos and admiring her work, than asking any questions, but thankfully Billy was kind enough to explain everything she was doing and also gave some advice, tips and tricks - all whilst she was creating the makeup (she's awesome by the way). :)
She explained that beauty makeup is the base for any fantasy makeup. When asked, if she imagines or draws out a look before creating it, she said that she never does that, she always lets her hands guide her and creates the look step by step, coming up with ideas as she goes. She said she does a certain look, prepares for it or draws it out only, if she's doing it for a fotoshoot or something like that.
She also said that there are no rules or limitation when it comes to fantasy makeup - you can create whatever you like, you can use glitter, paper, false lashes, anything, you can use products that are meant for you lips on the eyes and vice versa, you can wipe away the makeup, if you're not satisfied with it and start over. And the look is not done, until you decide it's done, it can always be altered, upgraded, like an oil painting. :) The sky is your limit!
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the lovely and ever smiling Živa (Nothin' Fancy. Really) |
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the gorgeous Ana Ina (Lovely Little Lux-uries) |
The thing that I liked the most was when she was talking about fantasy makeup, bold, colorful makeup - she said that women are still very afraid to experiment and play with makeup and colors. She said she doesn't understand how we always like to change our style, color and cut our hair differently, wear accessories, wear different clothes but our makeup tends to stay the same - day after day, like a boring routine.
I couldn't agree more Billy! It's not like I wear a bright yellow eyeshadow with a teal eyeliner to the store every day, but I wouldn't be afraid to do that. I don't care what other people would think of me - if I like how it looks, I'll wear it! Yes, I do love me some everyday, neutral eyeshadows, but I also love a pop of color or a dark, bold look.
Who said you have to wear a nude lipstick with a smokey eye? Why not a bright one? Why should you always be so careful to balance things out? Sure... if you work at an office that has strict rules about makeup, than I guess you have to be careful, but otherwise... go for it, wear whatever you like, play, explore, have fun, be free, I say! :)
After Billy was done with the makeup (which turned out to be amazing!), she was available for any further questions and she also gave us a chance to jump on her makeup chair. I was of course ecstatic for that opportunity and raised my hand like a first-grader going 'Me, me, me... please me!'. :)
I sat on the chair and she asked me what I had in mind or what I would like her to do and I told her she can do whatever she wanted - I was prepared to become a fairy princess, if need be. :)
The whole time she was doing my makeup I had no idea how it will turn out. I just knew she was going for a strong eyebrow (she said that's her favorite thing to do). I was really happy she went for that, because I never really fill in my brows or define them, I just use an eyebrow gel that gives a bit of color so they're not invisible. :)
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yup, yup... that looks really nice :) |
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Billy and me (Foto: Jure Perisic) |
I think the finished look was awesome! She did a gorgeous, smokey eye that was kind of gray, kind of blue and a bit of purple as well (stunning really), than of course a strong brown (which I loved, and so did my fellow bloggers) and a lovely, bright lip (see, you don't need a nude). :)
After that, we went to take a peek at the beauty makeup 'corner' and I also picked up Illamasqua Skin Base foundation - I had a sample and loved it so much, I decided to splurge. :) Now I also want some pigments from Illamasqua, the brow cake, concealer, powder, blush... so basically I should declare bankruptcy right now. :D
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group photo: Billy with us Slovenian beauty bloggers (Foto: Jure Perisic) |
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beauty blogger 'after party' :) |
We then went for another cup of coffee to chat a little bit more. Deja's friend joined us (lovely girl) and we had a lovely time. Unfortunately I had to leave prematurely, but I hope we'll get together again real soon.
All in all it was a great event and a super fun day, I hope there will be many more like this... :)
Kok ste fajne :) te je res lepo namazala, šminka ti ful paše :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiOooo... hvala! <3
IzbrišiBilly je super povedala, da se ne bati igrati in kreirati z makeupom. Priznam, da mi gre na živce, ko na raznih portalih in socialnih omrežjih berem, kako makeup artisti priporočajo, da se za vsak dan ličile nežno, v naravnih tonih, ne pretiravajte z makeupom ... Zakaj? Jaz verjamem, da lahko vsak nosi tak makeup kot mu paše, pa tudi če je to smoky look podnevi. :) Super te je naličila, res ti paše tale look. :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiJaz sem najbolj žalostna, da živim tako na obrobju, da naš Müller sploh ni dobil Ilamasque. Sploh še nisem imela priložnosti v miru v trgovini vse posatchati, niti danes v LJ. :/ Upam, da mi naslednji uspe. :)
Ja, mene tut to moti... neko omejevanje, pazljivost, previdnost - nosi kar hočeš! :)
IzbrišiŠkoda, da nimate pri vas Illamasque. No, čeprav jaz do zdaj tudi še nisem uspela v miru poswatchat izdelke, ker je ponavadi vedno gužva okoli njihovega stojala. :D Sem pa zdaj na eventu imela priložnost od blizu par stvari vidit...
Super slike, super fantazijski MU looki in ful ti pašejo tele definirane obrvi :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiVidim, da je bilo super :) Jaz pa ža nisem imela časa priti :/
OdgovoriIzbrišiJa, super smo se imele... škoda, ker nisi uspela priti, pa naslednjič. :D
IzbrišiFuuuul dobre slike, vidim da ste se imele lepo.
OdgovoriIzbrišiPa Živa, kako je ona meni lušna, skos se smeje (si pa ful nisem predstavljala da je tolk visoka :D)
Zelo lepo so te naličili, sploh barva šminke ti zelo paše!
Lepo je blo! :D Ja, Živa je res visoka... smo se ostale počutile precej majhne poleg nje. :)
IzbrišiHvala! :)
Upamd a bo telih eventov za bloggerke vedno več, pa da bom tudi sama kdaj povabljena :D Si vas zelo želim spoznat :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiDrugače pa v Kranju nimamo Illamasque na žalost in sploh še nisem prišla blizu njihovim izdelkom :( Bo treba v Ljubljano kmalu :D Če ne prej ko bodo lučke :)
Tudi jaz upam ja... :)
IzbrišiŠkoda, ker nimate Illamasque pri vas, moraš priti v Ljubljano pogledat njihovo stojalo v Mullerja... :D
wow!!! GORGEOUS!!! :*
OdgovoriIzbrišiGIVEAWAY ON MY BLOG!!! http://landing-in-fashion.blogspot.gr/2013/11/landing-no47-giveaway-win-new-look-zip.html
Super fotke pa ful te je lepo namazala:) mi je ful zal da nisem mogla pridt ker vidim da ste se imele odlicno!:) x
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala! Škoda, ker nisi uspela priti... :S
IzbrišiVažičke! :D Res te je lepo namazala :)
OdgovoriIzbriši♥, moonchild beauty blog
Smo, a ne? :D In pa hvala!
IzbrišiFul je blo fajn, fotke so dobro izpadle in tvoj makeup je bil lep ;)
OdgovoriIzbrišiIn js bi vsak dan nosila fantasy makeup! J*beš naraven makeup za vsak dan. :D Se strinjam s Tayo, nosi kar ti pač paše. Če komu ni všeč, je to itak njihov problem in ne tvoj ;)
Super je blo, upam, da bo kmalu spet kakšen podoben event! :D
IzbrišiOoo luštno! :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiSploh nisem vedela, da je bil event od Illamasqua (spet),hihih. Ampak super te je namazala, so mi všeč obrvi.
Wow, to pa res izgleda prav kulski event in ve punce ste super. Prav zanimivo vas je videt na slikah, ko vse stojite, se res vidi katere ste večje in manjše ter kako so slike čist nekaj drugega...Upam, da bo tega res čimveč...
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala! <3
IzbrišiAhhh, jaz bi tuuudiii
OdgovoriIzbrišiPa naslednjič! :D