Hello my darlings! Today I'd like to talk to you about that nasty little thing most of us girls suffer from - cellulite! We all know it - thin of full, no matter the size, rare are the damsels that have really smooth bums and thighs and know nothing about this nasty creature. :)
For as long as I can remember (or from my early teen years at least) I always had cellulite. It 'shrinks' or 'grows', depending on my weight and exercise regime, but it's always there. Now, before I give any tips on how to 'get rid of it' and tell you what I do/use for it, let's just make one thing clear - absolutely no creams or potions or tablets or whatever other miracle products out there, will make your cellulite just go away and disappear in thin air, ok? :)
What helps me the most with making my cellulite less apparent is diet, lots of water and exercise - trust me, it will help! But along with those things I do like to 'attack' it from the outside as well. Creams/lotions will not 'burn' your fat like the manufacturers want you think, but they will affect the appearance of your skin, making it look smoother and making cellulite just a tad less apparent.
The latest anti-cellulite product I've been using/testing, is Afrodita's Cocktail 4D. It contains lemon and grapefruit essential oils, sacred lotus and butcher's broom extract. It comes in a generous 180 ml tube and smells incredible. It has a cooling effect on your skin and this sensation lasts for quite a while. I usually take a shower first and use some kind of body scrub to prepare the skin. I also always use a massager (the one I use is from Oriflame, I got it years ago) to apply/massage the cream/lotion in - I think that makes a huge difference and I don't think any anti-cellulite cream can have a real effect on the skin, if you just gently massage it into your skin and leave it to 'sit there'. :)
Anyhew... I've got this product waaaay back in July and have been using it since - not that regularly I'm afraid, but enough to notice a difference. It really does make a difference to your skin and slightly diminishes the appearance of cellulite. Plus the fact that it has a cooling effect and smells divine, makes it a real winner in my book. :)
You can get it at your local drugstore (if you live in Slovenia) or on Afrodita's web store for 9.90 €. Check out other anti-cellulite products from them.
Tole afrodito že imam nagledano. Drugače je pa fajn dost vode pit, da tisto kar krema raztopi, se izloči potem z urinom iz telesa. Pa tudi pred telovadbo lahko na debelo namažeš kremo in se zaviješ v folijo za živila, po telovadbi se odviješ. Pospeši delovanje kreme :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiSaj se hecaš a ne? Krema ne razstopi ničesar, krema lahko vpliva samo na kožo, se pravi zunanji videz celulita. Med telovadbo se pa jaz ravno ne bi namazala s kremo in ovila v folijo - to je bolj za fango blatne obloge proti celulitu, ker potem začnejo greti kožo, ko se oviješ v folijo.
IzbrišiFul so dobre, jaz moram tudi še objavo naredit :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiAAAA kje si kupla tale peeling? Iščem ga že nekaj časa, sem mislila da so jih nehali prodajati! :(
A ti si tudi tole sprobala od Afrodite ali katero drugo 'verzijo'? :)
IzbrišiTole od Afrodite pa se eno drugo. :)
IzbrišiRes je ornk ucinek ko hladi. :)