Too Faced Better Than Sex mascara

3. julij 2014

Hello darlings! Today I'd like to talk to you about my new favorite mascara - Too Faced Better Than Sex (what a name, huh?). I've been wanting to try out this mascara for sooo long and finally decided to get it last month when Look Fantastic had a 20% off voucher code going on. :)

Even though I did my research before getting it and the majority (if not all) reviews were extremely positive, I was still a bit afraid this mascara was going to be a let down - in general my tiny, short, almost blond lashes tend to respond best to mascaras with plastic wands/brushes/bristles and the ones with 'natural' bristles tend to clump and stick them together. I do like the look of long, thick lashes, but I absolutely despise mascaras that clump your lashes and give you that horrible 'spider legs' look.

This mascara can clump a tiny bit (as you may or may not get from the pictures bellow), but not in bad way - it just seems to thicken every single lash. I really like the brush - it's has an hour glass shape and a mixture of different sized bristles. The application is fine, but I will tell you that I take my time when applying it - it's not a mascara you just 'slather' on and run out the door, you really need to take a bit of time and make sure to apply it nicely, then you get the most amazing results.

The packaging is obviously gorgeous (at least in my eyes) and feels very luxurios - the 'casing' is made from some kind of metal, because it acutally feels heavy in your hand. I love it! :) 

The formula is just right - not too wet nor too dry and it doesn't smear or flake off during the day (I have worn it for over 12 hours). It's very nice to wear and does not irritate my eyes and it's also surprisingly easy to remove (but I always use a heavy duty makeup remover like Cleanse&Polish or Clarins' Pure Melt gel). 

I also find that the formula is super black - I thought Maybelline's The Rocket was super black, but compared to this one, it looks almost gray - as you can actually see in the first picture bellow, because I used The Rocket on my bottom lashes. And that's one thing (among two) that I'm not really fond of with this mascara - because of the way the brush is shaped and how large it is, I find it very difficult to apply it to my bottom lashes, without making a mess. The second thing that bothers me a bit is that it tends to transfer on the lid when applying it (you know when you do an awesome makeup look and then apply mascara and suddenly your eyeshadows have black dots all over them? I hate that!). But it's nothing a little reapplying of the eyeshadows can't fix. :)

I used two coats on the pictures bellow and I think my lashes look amazing - you might not, but for me these really are awesome results. :)

All in all I think this mascara is amazing! It's definitely NOT better than sex, but it is the best mascara I have ever used and I'll be repurchasing it very soon (or at least buy a back up). I got it on Look Fantastic for 19 €, but the full price is around 24-25 € - yes, it's not a cheap mascara, but I truly believe it's worth every cent. 

What are your thoughts on it, would you like to try it out?

10 komentarjev:

  1. Seriously, vidim da jim še ni zmanjkalo trapastih imen za maskare :D
    Kako intenzivno črna je! Se vidi, da je dobra :)

    1. Ja itak... vse samo da se proda. :D Drugače je pa res odlična!

  2. Zgleda res lepo, meni osebno je pri maskari pomemben volumen, ne dolžina.

    1. No, moje majčkene trepalnice rabijo malo obojega - dolžino in volumen in tale maskara poskrbi za oboje, je pa definitivno boljša pri dodajanju volumna. :D

  3. Meni so pa ta njihova butasta imena včasih prav simpatična- embalaže pa noro lepe.
    Ker imam sama dolge trepalnice mi ni panike in mi je recimo že maskara Essence top in zato nebi več dla več kot 20 € za maskaro, tako ali tako pa jih kupujem v rangu okoli 10 €. Bom videla, me je prepričala, tako da me mogoče kaj prime in sprobam.

    1. Ah, saj mene ime prav nič ne moti, važno da je izdelek super. Embalažo ima pa Too Faced itak zelo lepo! :)

      Drugače tudi jaz nisem še nikoli kupila maskare za več kot 10 €, ampak sem si tole res želela sprobat in res mi ni žal - za moje majčkene, kratke trepalnice naredi veliko. :)

  4. Me mika, ampak mislim, da jo nikoli ne bom kupila ravno zaradi cene. Pri maskarah sem bolj škrta, haha. Hvala bogu, da sem zdaj Jordano odkrila. Ne kupim nobene druge maskare več. :D

    1. Čudovita je! Jaz sem tudi načeloma vedno bila 'škrta' pri maskarah, še posebej zato, ker jih je precej hitro treba menjat, ampak tole se mi zdi pa da bom kar kupovala in kupovala. :D

  5. Waw! res nisem pričakovala da bo tako dobra :) Pa pakiranje je čist preveč dobro :)

    1. Odlična je! :) In pakiranje je res lepo - jo prav z užitkom potegneš iz makeup torbice. :D
