Hello hunnies! I hope you're having a wonderful day! I've just eaten a bunch of delicious pineapple, watched an episode of Castle and now I'm ready to show you some great products my skin's been loving lately. :)
Vichy Purete Thermale 3in1 cleanser - I am so very happy I finally purchased this cleanser. It has been on my to-buy list for way too long. I wanted to try it out when I read a few great reviews for it quite some time ago (I think I was also using the Aqualia Thermal face cream at the time), but then I discovered Liz Earle's Cleanse & Polish and there was really no need for me to go out and buy more cleansers. But recently I decided I want to venture out a bit in the cleanser world and Živa's post gave that little push that I needed. :) This is an amazing cleanser that's also great at removing makeup (not quite as good as Cleanse&Polish, but very good indeed). It's super gentle, so I can use it in the morning and evening. It leaves my skin clean, soft and feeling great.
La Roche-Posay Serozinc - I've been neglecting Serozinc for a while and used it only on occasions or as a second toner, but as soon as I started using Vichy's Purete thermal cleanser I thought they would work great together and I wasn't wrong. I've been using it as a toner after cleansing my skin nonstop for a few weeks and my skin has been very grateful. I noticed it has a great affect on my skin - it calms down any breakouts that I may have and it tightens up my pores, which is awesome. I absolutely love it! Thank god I still have 2 full cans of this before I start panicking on where to purchase it from. :)
Nuxe Huile Prodigieuse - This is also a new addition to my skin care. I got it from Aida (Lippie Hippie) - she's gotten tired of using it and graciously gave it to me. I've heard so many great things about this oil (Mateja being a very reliable source on that) so I had high hopes for it... and I was not disappointed. It's a gorgeous face oil that smells divine, isn't too heavy on the skin (it's a dry oil) and keeps my skin moisturized and looking it's best. I don't use it during the day, because I would look too shiny, but it's excellent as a night time moisturizer. I also like to use it on my neck, decolletage and arms. I'm so happy with it, I've already ordered a smaller bottle of it, just in case (even though you really don't need a lot of it and it lasts for a long time). I'm also contemplating getting the shimmer version of it, so you know how much it has impressed me. :)
Caudalie Vinosource S.O.S. Thirst Quenching serum - This was also brought to me from Lisbon by Aida. It came in a set along with a micellar cleansing water (which I have yet to try). At first, when it was a bit colder, I used it underneath my face cream (Antipodes day or night cream) but for the past weeks I've been using it on it's own and it works great. It's a very light serum that moisturizes your skin instantly and leaves it feeling soft and supple. I love the finish it leaves behind - when it completely sinks into my skin there is no shine, just silky smooth skin and an almost matte finish, great for warm weather. I've used it under liquid and mineral foundations and it works great with both. Love this stuff!
Vichy Idealia eyes - I've been still very much in love with this eye cream. It feels lovely around the eyes, moisturizing but not too heavy and I love that it does a bit of concealing and brightening as well. Check out the full review for more details. :)
If you'd like to see detailed reviews of these products let me know, I'd love to write them down for you. :) I was also considering doing a battle of the cleansers in the near future - would you like to see that?
Have you tried any of these products, did they work for you? What has your skin been loving recently? :)
super stvari ! Sicer nimam takšne kože, da bi bili ti izdelki primerni zame, ampak Nuxe olje morem sprobat na celem obrazu ! ..Drugače sem imela neko rano na obrazu (don't ask :P) in se mi zdi, da mi jo je ravno olje fajn zacelilo, ker lepo vlaži + se strinjam, da dobro diši !
OdgovoriIzbrišiVichy pa drugače tako ali tako zmaga ^^
Kakšno kožo pa imaš, da ti te reči ne bi odgovarjale?
IzbrišiNuxe olje je res čudovito in ja, definitivno pomaga k hitrejšemu celenju kože. :)
Od Caudalie sem dobila vzorček in me je precej prepričal-mogoče se bom celo odločila za nakup ko porabim malo zaloge. Nuxe olje je pa itak, sicer tudi tega nakupa nisem ponovila ker imam trenutno preveč zaloge, vendar pride zagotovo še na vrsto.
OdgovoriIzbrišiSuper sta oba izdelka in ti ju definitivno pripročam, ko porabiš zaloge... :)
IzbrišiNuxe olje je zakon :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiBi me zanimala tvoja primerjava cleanserjev :) Jaz bom naslednjega sprobala od Good Things Manuka Honey Creamy Cleanser ali pa TBS-jevo Silky olje, pač nekaj cenejšega od balance me.
Se strinjam! :)
IzbrišiNo, bom se potrudila en tak post spisat... Sem pa ravno razmišljala zadnjič (ko sem oddala prvo naročilo na lookfatastic), da bi sprobala Balance Me. Čeprav tudi ta od Good Things zveni super, pa še zelo ugoden je. Oh, toliko reči za sprobat... :D
That face oil sounds amazing!
OdgovoriIzbrišiKallie - But First, Coffee
It really is, you should definitely try it out, if you can get it in your pharmacies. :)
IzbrišiNuxe olje je božansko! Jaz ga zdaj zvečer uporabljam namesto kreme in se mi zdi, da mi res pomaga pri suhi koži. Pa še diši! :)