Hello hunnies! If you follow me on Instagram then you probably already knew this was coming... I went a little crazy with Ciate nail polishes this month. I went to browse around Allbeauty.com (searching for something completely different) but ended up finding these beauties for an amazing price and just couldn't let myself pass up on an offer like this. I can hear you say 'sure, I'd get a box for myself too' but no... I didn't get just one, I got all three of them (yes, I do realize I'm a little nuts... and to think that until last year I hadn't posted a single manicure on my blog). :)
I think these boxes were meant as pre-Christmas/December-time presents because they're made like Advent calendars where you open a 'window' each day until Christmas. Since I've bought them just recently I didn't do that - I just ripped the boxes apart and grabbed out all the polishes (muahahaha)... just kidding. I did take my time with the first box - opening each window slowly, reading what it said on the inside of it (each window has its own quote written on the back of it), taking out the polish, admiring it and reading it's name, so I'll know which is which. :) It was all quite exciting really... But enough of this, let's get to the polishes, shall we?
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L to R: Snow Globe, Boudoir, Hopscotch, Hoopla, Sugar Plum |
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L to R: Snow Globe, Boudoir, Hopscotch, Hoopla, Sugar Plum |
Snow Globe is an interesting topper with holographic flakes. I found it a bit tricky to apply (you need to dab some flakes here and there to make more even) but it does create a lovely effect. Then you have the classic red polish - Boudoir and right next to it a gorgeous orange shade - Hopscotch. Hoopla and Sugar Plum are also stunning. Hoopla is a gentle bubble gum pink and Sugar Plus in a lovely lavender/lilac shade, really pretty.
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L to R: Fit for a Queen, Kiss Chase, Pillow Fight, Amazing Gracie, Hidden Gem |
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L to R: Fit for a Queen, Kiss Chase, Pillow Fight, Amazing Gracie, Hidden Gem |
The next 'set' of polishes are Fit for a Queen, which is a stunning metallic silver shade (I was so happy to get this, since I had nothing like this in my collection). Right next to it is Kiss Chase, a darker version of Hoopla. I would describe it as a dark bubble gum pink color or a hot pink maybe? Then we have Pillow Fight, a gray shade with a hint of lilac in it, very interesting. Amazing Gracie is a shade I would describe as a white with a tiny hint of pink in it. I haven't used it on my nails yet but it seems quite delicate and a bit on the sheer side. It's lovely anyway. :) Last but not least we have another pretty unique shade - Hidden Gem. In the picture above it looks like a darker yellow but in real life it's more of a brown-yellow, mustard color (not one of my favorites, to be honest).
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L to R: Loop the Loop, Party Shoes, Chinchilla, Members Only, Knickerbockerglory |
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L to R: Loop the Loop, Party Shoes, Chinchilla, Members Only, Knickerbockerglory |
The third 'set' of polishes consist of Loop the Loop, a lovely gentle/pastel yellow shade. I'm really excited to wear this, I haven't worn yellow on my nails yet. :) The next one is a glitter/topper polish - Party Shoes. It has lovely small golden and multicolored glitter in it (they change color depending on the light/angle you're looking at them, from pink to mint green to blue, really nice). Next we have Chinchilla, a grey-blue shade, followed by Members Only, a gentle peach-pink pearly shade, looks prettier in person than on pictures. :) Last but not least is Knickerbockerglory, one of Ciate's best selling shades and for a good reason - it's a gorgeous mixture of pink, fuchsia and red (I have it in a full size bottle as well).
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L to R: Apple and Custard, Iced Frappe, Talent Scout |
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L to R: Apple and Custard, Iced Frappe, Talent Scout |
The last three polishes are Apple and Custard (I was really happy to get this shade as well, because it's been on my wishlist for a long time). This shade is very interesting... again, it photographs quite differently than it looks in real life. In the pictures above it seems to be a mint green shade, but in real life it's a darker pastel green shade, very unique. Next is Iced Frappe, a nude dusty, grey purple (wow, that's a description). :) Last but not least is Talent Scout, a stunning purple with a real punch to it. :)
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L to R: Deck the Nails (Caviar beads), Ice Queen (Caviar beads), Mistletoe magic (Sequins), Glitter all the way (Glitter) |
So, along with 18 mini nail polishes, you also get four bottles with caviar beads, sequins and glitter, so you can make your manicures even more exciting. I have yet to try any of these special effect 'thingies' but I most definitely will. You also get a little funnel with every box to make application of beads/sequins/glitter easier and more precise. I hope I'll be able to create a nice manicure or two with them... :)
I think that I got a really good deal with these boxes - for 18 mini nail polishes, 4 bottles with beads/sequins/glitter and 2 other mystery gifts, I paid 23 € on Allbeauty.com (they were reduced from 60 €). If you want a box for yourself, you can still get them but the price went up a bit (they're around 29 € at the moment).
So, what are your thoughts on this box, which are your favorite shades? :)
I love Ciate nail polishes! I received a the pearl caviar set from my Mum last year, and fell in love! It's just a shame about their price tag. Albeit, you received a real bargain there! May have to purchase ready for my 21st next week!
OdgovoriIzbrišiCheck out my blog!
Kayleigh. x
I love Ciate nail polishes - they look so cute (the bottles with their little bows), they have a great shade selection and they last a long time on my nails... so I can look through the price tag. :) But yeah, this was a total bargain!
IzbrišiUau srebrn je tok lep <3
OdgovoriIzbrišiRes je čudovit! :D
IzbrišiSem vidla že na intagramu, da si re super nakup naredla :D kak pa se drugače ti laki obnesejo, so obstojni? :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiMeni so super lakci... imam že precej ta velikih flašk. :) Na nohtih mi zdržijo zelo dolgo (tudi 11 dni), je pa res, da je za to precej zaslužen Seche Vite nadlak. :D
IzbrišiHaha, si si kar povečala zbirko. Jaz sicer ne vem, če bi si naročila tale koledar, ker mi niso čisto vsi odtenki všeč, ampak nekaj je kar lušnih. Loop the Loop me nekako še najbolj pritegne. Upam, da objaviš celotno manikuro z njim, ker me prav zanima, če je eden tistih pastelnih rumenih, ki se težavno nanašajo ali pa je na nohtih prekriven po dveh slojih. :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiSem ja... sem zelo zadovoljna z nakupom. Meni od vseh odtenkov v tej škatli ni všeč samo Hidden Gem, ostali so mi vsi super. :D Loop the Loop je čudovit, bom definitivno objavila manikuro z njim. :D
IzbrišiSe strinjam z Tayo...se mi zdi, da imam večino teh odtenkov že v svoji zbirki, edino Fit for a Queen, Kiss Chase in Pillow Fight so mi zelo všeč :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiJa, če imaš te odtenke že v svoji kolekciji, potem se seveda ne splača nakup, ampak zame je bil super, ker praktično nisem imela nobenega od teh (razen mogoče rdeč lak in pa Knickerbockerglory, ki ga imam v veliki flaški). :)
IzbrišiOhohoho Maja :D Božiček je že mimo :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiHahaha... zgleda sem malo pozna. :D
IzbrišiFuuul so lepi! Če ne bi imela že toliko podobnih odtenkov, bi si sigurno en koledarček nabavila. :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiČudoviti so! :D
IzbrišiVau, tole pa je sanjski nakup :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiA ne? Čudoviti lakci so... da ne govorim kako zabavno je bilo odpirat okenčka... :D
IzbrišiA to si potem kupila na AllBeauty :) Glede nato kako pogosto jaz menjam lak na nohtih bi rabila nekje okrog enega leta, da bi sprobala vse :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiJaaaa... šla sem poiskat Tigi zaradi tebe, potem pa naletela na tole ponudbo in puuff... so šli dinarčki papa. :D
IzbrišiYou are one lucky girl! Sem pogledala oba posta in mi redko kateri lak ni všeč :D OK, to ni res, ni nobenega, ki mi ne bi bil všeč, sam mogoče kakšen, ki mi je mal manj.. Res so ful lepi, komi čakam jutrišnji post (in giveaway hihi) :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiTenk you, tenk you... :D Ja, meni je isto, so pač odtenki ki so mi bolj všeč, ampak ni nobenega, da ga zares ne bi marala oz. ne bi nosila. :)