Hello my lovelies! Today I'll be swatching and reviewing this little palette for you. If you've been following my blog for some time now, you probably already know I'm obsessed with Urban Decay eyeshadows or should I say eyeshadow palettes. I have both the Naked and Naked2 palette and I really thought I don't need Naked Basics... Oh, how very wrong I was. :)
This is a very small palette compared to the other two palettes from their 'Naked' line. I mean, I was expecting it to be small but I was quite shocked at how tiny it really is - it's smaller than my Nokia E63 (which looks basically like a Blackberry, if you're not familiar with it). The size can actually be an advantage though, because now I tend to
gravitate to this palette whenever I travel / go somewhere, because it's just so easy to throw in my makeup bag. :) And, regardless of its size, you're still getting full size eyeshadows, 6 of them to be exact.
So, as I've already mentioned, I was sure that since I had Naked and Naked2, I wouldn't need this palette. It looked pretty boring to me and to be honest I was looking at this palette and thinking wow, Urban Decay is really milking the whole Naked palette craze out. :) I really didn't understand why this palette would be something every girl should own. That's probably because I'm usually attracted to shimmery eyeshadows, mattes don't really interest me all that much. I mean, I love the few matte shades in both Naked palettes but I mostly use them for my crease, I never wear just matte shades on my eyes... that is, until now. :D
I have to say that this little bugger has got me hooked on matte. :) I love the way matte eyeshadows look on my eyes and I love paring the matte-eye look with a bolder lip color. Even though these eyeshadows may not look all that special, they really are gorgeous and you can create a bunch of different eye looks - you can go from a very gentle day time look to a dramatic smokey eye look in a matter of minutes. And that's what I want from an eyeshadow palette - versatility.
I love the packaging - it has a rubber feel to it and closes tightly so it's very travel friendly. I'm in love with all shades, except for Foxy which is not a bad shade at all, just not my favorite. The formula of these eyeshadows is just insane - so soft and buttery and really pigmented. I'm used to the amazing formula of UD's eyeshadows, but these just blew me away.
I got this palette from BeautyBay.com for 23.20 €, which means that a single eyeshadow costs around 3,9 €, which I think is really not a lot for such high quality eyeshadows.
Now let's look at some swatches and break down these beautiful eyeshadows, one by one. :)
VENUS - This is the only eyeshadow in the palette which is not matte and I'm really happy that it's in there. I love to have a light, shimmery shade to put in my inner corner of the eye or on my brow bone. This shade is a creamy-white color that's not full on shimmery but more of satin in my opinion. Pigmentation is great, very soft and buttery.
FOXY - Is a yellow-beige color, matte. As I said before, not my favorite color, but lovely still. Has a lovely soft, buttery feel to it.
W.O.S. (Walk Of Shame) - A beautiful nude, light pink color. Virgin from Naked palette could be a lighter, shimmering version of this shade. I love using this shade all over my lid. Definitely one of my favorites! :) Has a lovely buttery formula and is very pigmented.
NAKED2 -This is a beautiful soft taupe color that has a bit of everything in it - a bit of brown, a bit of grey and I could almost detect some pink in it too. This is the shade that has impressed me the most, it's gorgeous. Again, this also has a lovely soft, buttery formula and is very pigmented.
FAINT - A rich warm dark brown. I have nothing like it in my collection, it's a beautiful color. I won't go on about the formula any more, because all the shades from this palette are amazing. :)
CRAVE - Now, I've read a lot of reviews where people say that this shade is actually a very dark brown color or a black with brown undertones but I honestly don't see any brown in it, it looks totally black to me. I love using this eyeshadow as a liner or in the crease, outer V to smoke up the look.
All in all I'm really happy with this palette and I'm so glad I caved in and bought it. If you're a matte eyeshadow lover than this is definitely a palette for you. And, if you're not a fan of mattes, than this palette will make you become one. Seriously, a great palette! :)
Do you own this palette or do you want it? Which is your favorite shade?
Oh, popolna je. Obožujem mat senčila, šimer ni zame :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiPerfect je <3 Jaz imam načeloma raje mat senčila kot shimmer, mi lepše izgledajo :)
OdgovoriIzbriši@Mateja in Lux - Res je lepa! Jaz sem pa čisto za shimmer, ampak sem zdaj navdušena tudi nad mat. :)
OdgovoriIzbriši@sarchy87 - Super, poročaj kako boš zadovoljna z njo. ;)
Imam ovu paletu i obožavam ju <3
OdgovoriIzbrišiNajdraža paleta koju imam :)
@Dear Skin - Čini mi se, da če brzo postati i meni najdraža... :D
OdgovoriIzbrišires je lep, še posebej zadnje 3 barve in prva :) ampak še vedno nisem prepričana, če potrebujem še eno nevtralno paleto polg obeh Nagic, četvorčkov in mono senčil :D
OdgovoriIzbrišitole imam pa na WL, kmalu jo pa nabavim :)
OdgovoriIzbriši@Aida - Hehe... Nagic, si me nasmejala. :D Hja, to je moja edina mat paletka, tako da jaz imam občutek, da jo rabim. Sem pa itak čisti freak za palete in vedno najdem nove, ki jih (baje) rabim. :)
OdgovoriIzbriši@pumpkin - Priporočam! :D
Čeprav so senčila res izjemno pigmentirana, je po mojem ne rabim, imam že veliko podobnih odtenkov, poleg tega pa sem bolj za šimer kot mat senčila. :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiVenus pa Naked2 sta mi zelo všeč :) Vendar imam sedaj eno paletko s 120 senčkami, tako da še ne načrtujem nakupa nove :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiMeni je zalo lepa paleta, ampak glede na mojo polt, bi samo 2 senčke prišle v upoštev :(
OdgovoriIzbriši@Taya - Saj jaz sem tudi načeloma za šimer, ampak sem se navdušila tudi nad mat in tale paletka je res super. ;)
OdgovoriIzbriši@Nuša - Uf, meni pa ni problem dat več denarja za kvalitetne paletke, še posebej če so mi senčke v njej res všeč. :)
@pujsapepa - Ja, te palete so tudi mene na začetku mikale, ampak sem vesela, da se nisem odločila zanje, ker polovico senčk najbrž ne bi uporabljala... tako pa kupim paletke, ki vsebujejo senčke, ki mi res odgovarjajo in vem, da jih bom uporabljala. :D
@Ana - Zakaj pa naj ti ne bi šle senčke skupaj s poltjo? Meni se zdijo čisto univerzalne.
Ja če ti ne odgovarjajo vsi odtenki, potem se res ne splača kupovat večjih paletk. Jaz pa rada eksperimentiram z barvami, tako da imam zaenkrat nedotaknjene samo še modre odtenke (se mi zdi, da mi ne pristajajo na more oči) :D
OdgovoriIzbriši@sarchy87 - Hmm... čudno. A tudi temnejše se ti ne poznajo dosti? Meni te senčke sploh ne zbledijo in ostanejo takšne kot po nanosu praktično cel dan, tudi po hudi vročini.
OdgovoriIzbrišiLahko da čopiči kaj pripomorejo k slabšem nanosu in posledično slabši obstojnosti, ampak vseeno... Moram pa reči, da meni UD primer sploh ne pomaga, edini, ki res deluje je NYX HD eyeshadow base.
@sarchy87 - Ja, nimam zelo mastnih vek, ampak poleti se pa precej zmastijo in NYX je najboljši primer. Bom pa v bližnji prihodnosti objavila tudi eno veliko bitko primerjev za veke (Essence, UD, NYX, Too Faced, The Balm...).
OdgovoriIzbrišiDrugače pa če pogledaš zgornje slike, se Foxy in W.O.S. tudi bolj blago vidijo na moji svetli koži... ampak opazijo se. Na temnejši koži bi se morale še bolj videti.
Aja, NYX primer kupim na Ebayu, imaš ga pa tudi na Moja Drogerija. :)