Hello lovelies! Today I have a very exciting and very picture heavy post for you - a review of Urban Decay's Naked3 palette. As a proper Urban Decay junkie that I am, it seems only right I own this palette, right? :) Well I absolutely love my Naked palette, wasn't too keen on the Naked2... this one however got my attention right away. I love wearing pinks on my eyes and this is one gorgeous pink-hued palette!
The palette comes in the same kind of packaging as the Naked2, except that this one has a rose gold color to it and is 'textured' - with 'waves' indented across it. It looks absolutely gorgeous but to be completely honest I still prefer the packaging of the Naked palette. I feel like the eyeshadows are actually more secure in that cardboard kind of packaging than in this metal casing. Still, it does look really nice and shuts securely so it is definitely travel friendly. What would happen to the eyeshadows, if you were to drop it... I don't know but I have a feeling some wouldn't survive.
With the palette you get a double ended brush which I haven't actually tried yet but I think I'll like it, since I really like the brushes that come with UD palettes (and I have quite a few of them now). With the Naked palette you also got a mini primer potion, with the Naked2 you got a mini Lip Junkie, with this palette you get four testers of their different primer potions (Original, Eden, Sin and Anti-Aging). This was a bit of a let down for me - I mean testers, really? I'm not a fan of their primer potions in general, but it would probably be much better if they would just include a mini size of one of them. I personally would be very happy, if they would include a mini lip gloss or perhaps one of their double ended eye liners.
With the palette you get a double ended brush which I haven't actually tried yet but I think I'll like it, since I really like the brushes that come with UD palettes (and I have quite a few of them now). With the Naked palette you also got a mini primer potion, with the Naked2 you got a mini Lip Junkie, with this palette you get four testers of their different primer potions (Original, Eden, Sin and Anti-Aging). This was a bit of a let down for me - I mean testers, really? I'm not a fan of their primer potions in general, but it would probably be much better if they would just include a mini size of one of them. I personally would be very happy, if they would include a mini lip gloss or perhaps one of their double ended eye liners.
As I said before, this truly is a stunning palette. I loved it straight away when I fist saw it on the internet (on other beauty blogs) but I was a bit hesitant to get it because I was afraid it would be too pink. I mean, I love me some pink... but I also wanted the versatility, the ability to create all sorts of makeup looks that aren't necessarily all pink, if you know what I mean. I was actually considering getting the Lorac Unzipped palette instead of this one, but this comparison made me get the Naked3 (check it out, it's a really great comparison with awesome swatches).
I find that the palette really is pink-hued but it also has a great highlight shade (Strange), two great transition shades (Limit and Nooner) that go well with different colors/looks, not just pinks and four shades that aren't really pink at all (Factory, Mugshot, Darkside and Blackheart). So yes, it is pink but it's also very versatile. :) Now, enough of that... let's get a bit more 'up-close and personal' with all the shades.
I find that the palette really is pink-hued but it also has a great highlight shade (Strange), two great transition shades (Limit and Nooner) that go well with different colors/looks, not just pinks and four shades that aren't really pink at all (Factory, Mugshot, Darkside and Blackheart). So yes, it is pink but it's also very versatile. :) Now, enough of that... let's get a bit more 'up-close and personal' with all the shades.
STRANGE - is a lovely white-pink shade that is excellent for highlighting, it has a matte finish with a tiny bit of a sheen to it. Lovely, buttery texture and great color payoff.
DUST - a warm, metallic pink shade with gold micro-glitter. As you can see from the swatch it's very glittery with a lot of fallout. I would actually consider this shade to be more of a pressed glitter than an eyeshadow. It could be used as a glitter topper - dabbed on top of another eyeshadow. I would definitely use a damp brush with this one or you'll have glitter all over your face.
BURNOUT - a lovely, pinky-peach shade with a satin finish. It has great texture and great color payoff.
LIMIT - a mauve, medium pink shade with a matte finish. Excellent as a transition or all over the lid color. Lovely, buttery formula and great color payoff.
DUST - a warm, metallic pink shade with gold micro-glitter. As you can see from the swatch it's very glittery with a lot of fallout. I would actually consider this shade to be more of a pressed glitter than an eyeshadow. It could be used as a glitter topper - dabbed on top of another eyeshadow. I would definitely use a damp brush with this one or you'll have glitter all over your face.
BURNOUT - a lovely, pinky-peach shade with a satin finish. It has great texture and great color payoff.
LIMIT - a mauve, medium pink shade with a matte finish. Excellent as a transition or all over the lid color. Lovely, buttery formula and great color payoff.
BUZZ - is a stunning coppery-rose shade with a metallic finish. Has a lovely buttery texture and excellent color payoff.
TRICK - a rose gold shade that leans more towards gold than rose/pink, metallic finish. The texture is lovely but the color payoff could be better - you kind of have to build it up.
NOONER - a medium, rosy-plum shade with a matte finish, again, great as a transition or all over the lid color. Great, buttery formula and excellent color payoff.
LIAR - a gorgeous medium pink-brown shade with a satin finish. It's kind of similar to Toasted from the Naked palette but lighter, a bit more pink and less bronzy.
TRICK - a rose gold shade that leans more towards gold than rose/pink, metallic finish. The texture is lovely but the color payoff could be better - you kind of have to build it up.
NOONER - a medium, rosy-plum shade with a matte finish, again, great as a transition or all over the lid color. Great, buttery formula and excellent color payoff.
LIAR - a gorgeous medium pink-brown shade with a satin finish. It's kind of similar to Toasted from the Naked palette but lighter, a bit more pink and less bronzy.
FACTORY - a medium-dark brown with some pink/reddish undertones. Has a lovely buttery formula and excellent color payoff but also a lot of fallout so you need to tap you brush off before applying.
MUGSHOT - a light, warm taupe with a metallic finish. Great texture and excellent color payoff.
DARKSIDE - a darker, cool toned taupe with a pearl/satin finish. Lovely texture and great color payoff.
BLACKHEART - a black-burgundy color with warm undertones and red micro-glitter running through it. Lovely texture, color payoff was good, could be better.
MUGSHOT - a light, warm taupe with a metallic finish. Great texture and excellent color payoff.
DARKSIDE - a darker, cool toned taupe with a pearl/satin finish. Lovely texture and great color payoff.
BLACKHEART - a black-burgundy color with warm undertones and red micro-glitter running through it. Lovely texture, color payoff was good, could be better.
And here's a little group photo above so you can see how they all look together/side by side. My favorites from this palette are Buzz, Liar, Factory, Mugshot and Darkside. I really love Strange as a highlight since I only have shimmery highlights in my other UD palettes. Limit and Nooner will be great as transition colors and Blackheart will probably look really nice in the outer V. :) I'm not too head over heels for Burnout and Trick - I mean they are lovely, but nothing too special. Dust is pretty problematic with all the fallout so I'll probably only use it when I have the time to play around with it. I can already tell you the two most used shades for me will be Buzz and Liar - I think they'll look amazing all over the lid. :)
So, what are your thoughts on this palette? Own it, want it or not for you? Which shades are your favorites?
So, what are your thoughts on this palette? Own it, want it or not for you? Which shades are your favorites?
Prečudovita paletka <3
OdgovoriIzbrišiJo imam na WL odkar sem jo prvič videla :)
Kje si jo pa kupila?
A ne? Res je lepa... :) Kupila sem jo pa na Ebay-u, ker se mi ni več dalo čakat raznih UK strani, da jo bodo dobile na zalogo. Sem plačala 63 € skupaj s poštnino, tako da me je precej 'udarila po žepu', ampak mislim, da je vredna. :D
IzbrišiThat was quick :D men je pa trick fuuul všeč :D pa vse une k so zraven na roki razen mat pa na zadnji roki vse pa burnout :D Anček, danes je dobil HqHair nove zaloge ;)
OdgovoriIzbrišiJa, sm morala hitr poslikat pa poswatchat, dokler je še 'aktualna'... haha :D Meni je res čudovita, komaj čakam, da kakšen look nrdim z njo. :)
IzbrišiYour swatches look so nice Maja! I have been loving Darkside as well ^-^
OdgovoriIzbrišiJordan | Boho Vanity
Thank you so much! :D
IzbrišiSuper lepi odtenki! :) x
OdgovoriIzbrišiRes so čudoviti... :D
IzbrišiIzgleda ful lepa, jaz sem ravno par dni nazaj primerjala vse tri, pa mi je bila Naked2 nekako najbolj všeč, samo ko gledam to objavo in odtenke na koži.. hm... sem spet na začetku odločanja :D A si jo preko interneta naročila? :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiRes je čudovita! :) Jaz sem imela tudi Naked2 (sicer fejk), ampak sem jo nekako zanemarjala, vedno sem raje po Naked posegla. Naked3 ima pa res takšne odtenke, da mi super ustrezajo. Ne vem če bo 'premagala' Naked, ji bo pa sigurno blizu prišla. :)
IzbrišiKupila sem jo na Ebay-u, ker se mi ni dalo čakat, da jo bodo kakšne te bolj dostopne strani dobile spet na zalogo (takoj ko pride na zalogo, spet poide). Če te zanima točno od katerega prodajalca, ti tudi lahko posredujem link. Me je pa prišla skupaj s poštnino okoli 63 €.
Sem opazila ja, da jih je na Ebay-u kar nekaj.. moram še malce pogledati vse tri in se potem odločit :) Glede na to, koliko sedaj uporabljam senčila bi morda kakšno manjšo.. nevem še :D če pa se odločim za tole, te seveda kontaktiram :) hvala.
Izbrišiprekrasna je ♥ konec februarja, ko pridem do sephore, bo moja :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiPrav imaš! :D Super je, res. ;)
IzbrišiJaz mam pa nek čuden odnos s to paletko, najprej sem jo fuuul hotla, potem me ni preveč prepričala, zdej me pa spet zelo mika! :/
OdgovoriIzbrišiMi je malo preveč draga, ampak itak je to ena taka zadevica ko jo imaš za dlje časa..
Zelo lepa objava, krasne fotografije :D
Ja, tudi pri meni je bilo isto s to paleto - ko sem jo videla, sem jo takoj hotela imeti. Potem sem videla (nešteto) ocen in me je malo minilo, sem mislila, da je preveč roza in da so si odtenki preveč podobni med sabo. Potem sem pa videla en video, primerjavo med to in Lorac Unzipped in me je čisto prepričala. Meni je res čudovita paleta. :)
IzbrišiZdi se mi, da so Urban Decay izdelki po večini res vredni svojega denarja, sploh pa njihove palete, ker so visoko kvalitetne in trajajo zelo dolgo (Naked imam že 3 leta pa še vedno nisem nobene senčke porabila).
Pa hvala za lepe besede, sem se potrudila, da so bile slike čim boljše in swatchi čim bolj realni. :D
paleta je prekrasna
OdgovoriIzbrišiRes je čudovita! :D
IzbrišiHehe... ja, jaz sem se tudi precej časa prepričevala, da res ne rabim nove palete, da naj uporabljam raje te, ki jih imam... ampak ni šlo, sem se vdala. :) In ni mi žal, res. :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiMislim, da bi se vse senčke lepo poznale tudi na temnejši polti, samo podlaga mora biti prava, pa je... :D
Jealous, jealous, jealous, jealous, jealous, jealous, jealous, jealous, jealous, jealous, jealous, jealous, jealous... :D Zmešalo se mi bo, če se ne bo kmalu kje pojavila.
OdgovoriIzbrišiHahaha... :D Res je fantastična, rabiš jo! :)
IzbrišiOtkako je izašla, jako ju želim <3
OdgovoriIzbrišiZaista je divna, trebaš ju! :D