100% Pure Honey & Virgin Coconut restorative conditioner

20. februar 2014

Hello hunnies! How are you? I hope you're having a lovely time. :) Today I'm going to review a conditioner from 100% Pure. My hair seems to be loving it and I'm already half way through it, so I think it's about time I let you in on my thoughts about it... :)

I'm in love with my I love juicy shampoo from Lush but I wasn't all that impressed with the American Cream conditioner - it smelled divine but was a bit too light for me, I just didn't feel it did much so I went on a hunt for a more moisturizing, heavy-duty conditioner. I remembered I used to love the 100% Pure Glossy Locks Honey Coconut Milk conditioner so I went to OrCa to ask about it. Unfortunately they didn't have it anymore or rather that version of it - now you can get a newer version, Honey & Virgin Coconut restorative conditioner. I decided to give it a go... :)

I have to say I do really like it but I don't like it quite as much as the older version of it. This one smells very much coco-nutty, whilst the previous version smelled even better, with a bit more honey to it. The new one has a thick, creamy consistency, whilst the older one was even thicker, it looked like a paste and you needed a very small amount so it lasted ages. I've been using the new one for about a month, if that and I'm already half-way through it, because I need to use more of it. One thing that I prefer about the new version is the packaging - it's much more appealing. :)

But, if I look at the conditioner itself, without comparing it to it's older version, I have to say it's really nice. I love that it's thick and very moisturizing, yet does not weigh my hair down. I am a fan of coconut so the scent doesn't bother me at all (and it does linger for a day maybe, so that's nice). I think it's an awesome conditioner that does a great job at moisturizing your hair, but I think it's quite pricey (18 €) especially considering how fast I'm going to go through it. I probably won't be repurchasing it right away but rather try something else. I might repurchase it again in the future though, since I do really like it.

What are your thoughts on this conditioner, have you tried it before or any other 100% Pure products for that matter? Have any recommendations for me? :)

6 komentarjev:

  1. Vonj se sliši čudovit, škoda, ker ni cenejši :( x

    1. Ja, super balzam je in super diši, ampak je malo prehuda cena glede na porabo... Mislim, da bo naslednji balzam od Deep Steep. :)

  2. OMG, 18€... Ni važno kako gost je, jaz vedno porabim ogrooomno tako da bi mi tole šlo prej kot v enem mesecu..
    xx, moonchild beauty blog

    1. No, jst ga ne ponucam ogromno, tako da se da zdržat, ampak vseeno preveč, da bi redno dajala toliko denarja za tale balzam... bo treba še za kakšnimi drugimi pobrskat. :)

  3. sliši se res odličen ! :) si me prepričala, da ga poiščem :)

    1. Meni je res super balzam, drag, ampak super. :)
