Hello hunnies! Today I'll be reviewing a lovely face cream for you. I bought it a couple of months ago because I was searching for a face cream that would be a tad more moisturizing than my Mario Badescu Honey moisturizer (which is a very light cream in my opinion). I had my eye on this particular cream from Nuxe for such a long time and I finally decided to get it.
So this version of the Creme Fraiche face cream is the middle one - you also have Creme Fraiche Enriche and Creme Fraiche Light (which is a light cream/emulison for combination/oily skin). I actually tried the later quite a while ago and I found it to be a very nice cream but it was a bit too light for me, I felt it didn't moisturize my skin enough. I also tried a tester of the Enriche 'version' and I really liked it but decided to shoot for the middle and went with just the Creme Fraiche. :)
The cream comes in a heavy glass jar with a ceramic lid which makes it look and feel really luxurious. When you open the cream you're 'greeted' by a strong scent of orange blossom - this maybe a problem for some that don't like the scent or just don't like heavy scented creams in general. I myself don't mind it at all and find the scent really pleasant. It does linger on the skin quite a while, so keep that in mind.
The most amazing part of the cream (in my mind) is it's texture. As the name would suggest it's supposed to be like fresh, whipped cream. I have to say I don't agree with that description, to me the texture is more similar to yogurt, the one with the firm texture, not creamy (if you ever tried/tasted Danone's Activia Mild yogurts you'll know what I mean - it looks and feels exactly like those kind of yogurts). Or perhaps the texture would be also similar to Greek yogurt. :) I find that the texture of the cream can sometime make me like or hate the cream so I thought it was important to describe it to you.
I absolutely love the texture of this cream and the way it melts into the skin after you apply it. It's very light yet very moisturizing. On my combination skin it does tend to leave the skin looking a bit shiny/greasy through the T-zone but I'm totally fine with that because I absolutely hate mattifying creams.
The price tag is pretty high (as it is with all Nuxe products) - a 50 ml jar of this gorgeous cream will set you back 32 € (you can get it a bit cheaper on sale or depending on where you're buying it). I really like this face cream and my skin seems to be happy with it as well. So far it hasn't broken me out and I've been using it regulary for at least one to two months.
So, what are your thoughts on this cream? Have you tried it, would you like to try it? What's your experience with Nuxe as a brand - do you like their products?
Sem jo včeraj prvič mela :D sem mislila, da se bo fant pritoževal nad vonjem, ker men ni preveč všeč, ampak je reku, da je to najbolj dišeča krema, ki sem jo mela do zdaj :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiMene je tut vonj presenetu ko sem odprla lonček, ampak mi je všeč, me ne moti. Si pa predstavljam, da marsikomu ne bo pasal. :)
IzbrišiThe Nuxe Reve de Miel lip balm is lovely but other than that, I haven't tried much from Nuxe.
Celina | The Celution | Bloglovin’
Yeah, I really like their lip balm as well... I've tried a lot of things from Nuxe and I'm very pleased with the brand in general. However, it's not for everyone because it's pretty expensive and most of their products do come quite heavily perfumed and not free of alcohol.
IzbrišiMeni je pa Nuxe....groza! Tako parfumirani izdelki, da dol padeš...
OdgovoriIzbrišiJa, res imajo močno parfumirane izdelke, ampak zaenkrat moram reči, da mi je bilo vse kar sem probala od njih super (pa sem probala že precej reči). Bi pa rekla, da tudi nimam pretirano občutljive kože, tako da je alkohol in parfum očitno ne motita.
IzbrišiThis sounds fab, great review :)x
OdgovoriIzbrišiThe Belle Narrative - Enter my fabulous MAC Makeup Giveaway
Thank you! ;)