Maja watches... TV shows

2. februar 2014

Hello lovelies! If you've been reading my blog for a while you probably already know I really love to watch my TV shows, like really love. :) In the past few months I watched quite a few TV shows and a bunch of them ended, either for good or at least until they film the next season. So I decided to showcase the ones I've stopped watching or am waiting to start watching again... and let you know how I feel/felt about them. :)


This is one of my all-time favorite shows. It's a true masterpiece in my opinion. It had 3 seasons (Blood and Sand, Vengeance, War of the dammed) and a prequel (Gods of the arena). I loved every season but my favorites have to be the first one and the prequel. If you don't know anything about the legend of Spartacus (it's not just a legend, he was a real man) go and look it up but just to let you know a bit of what this show is about - it's about ancient Rome, slaves and most importantly, gladiators. This is definitely not a show for the faint-hearted. There is a lot of blood, a lot of gore and a lot of nudity and sex. And a lot of gorgeous gladiators, have I mentioned that? :D I was thinking of writing a post 'Gorgeous men - Spartacus edition'. Let me know what you think of that... ;)


This is quite a new show that only has one season (second one will start in February) but I have to say I really like it. It's currently the only show about vikings (as far as I know), which is always good and it has it's own take on them/their culture/life. If you're not into history and into vikings, than this one is definitely not for you... but it's right up my alley. I was really sad when it ended and I can't wait for it to start again. Did I mention that the main character is absolutely gorgeous? No? Well he is... :)


This was a show I found by chance, browsing on the web... no one really recommended it to me and I didn't 'hear' a lot people talking about it but it seemed interesting so I decided to check it out. The show was basically the historical recreation of 'Wars of the roses' (go check it out on Wikipedia, if you're interested) and centers on queen Elizabeth and her marriage to king Richard... and of course the whole 'which house will prevail and take the throne' thing. :) It's a pretty dark series, full of plotting and scheming which I'm not usually a fan of, but I think they did a great job with it. I have to admit the show was quite depressing and weird but also very interesting. I really liked it, I loved the actors and thought the acting was done great and most of all I think they did a great job with just one season.


This is a very new show by NBC. It's a totally new spin on a very old legend and I absolutely love it. The first season ended last week and I would say I'm waiting for the second one but unfortunately the fate of this show is yet to be revealed - it can be picked up for another season or canceled. I'm of course hoping it won't be canceled. I feel like this is a brilliant show but a lot of people simply don't get it. I don't know, if it's the new spin or just the way the show was filmed... but I truly feel like it's an awesome show and has some great potential.


I am a die-hard fan of the American Horror Story series. I think this show is one of the best I've ever watched and a breath of fresh air in the 'horror department'. I liked the first season but I absolutely loved the second one (Asylum) - it was mind-blowingly good, so naturally I had quite high expectations for the third one, Coven. After watching the season finale a few days ago I have to be honest and say that this season was a bit of a let down for me. Now I'm not saying it was bad and it was definitely one of the best shows I watched recently but compared to the second season it was a bit weak. I feel they could explore and work with the whole witch thing much better. It was more about the witches themselves and the horrible relationships that were going around than it was about horror. There wasn't anything really scary going on, there were quite a few sick and gruesome things, but again, compared to the Asylum, the horror aspect was very weak. And I was honestly pretty shocked by the happy-ever-after ending - I was expecting Fiona to come back and burn the whole place down, now that would be my perfect ending. :) Anyway... I am looking forward to new seasons (I expect there will be new seasons).

So, this was basically the fist part since I didn't want to shove in all of the shows that ended or are on pause. Expect part two next Sunday... :)

Do you watch/did you watch any of this shows, what are your thoughts on them?

11 komentarjev:

  1. Nisem gledala nobene izmed teh razen Dracule, kjer imam še dva dela za pogledat, me prav zanima kako so končali :)

    1. No, sporoči kako ti bo konec všeč. :) Meni je super serija in res upam, da bo druga sezona. :D

  2. Od teh dveh sem gledala samo Vikinge in Draculo. Vikingi so mi bili odlični, Dracula pa niti ne tako. Za pogledati je bila, amšak priznam, da sem pričakovala dosti več od te serije. Čeprav glede na konec bi znala biti druga sezona bolj zanimiva.

    1. Meni je pa Dracula bila super... in zdi se mi, da ima res potencial, druga bi znala biti odlična. Bomo videli... :D Vikingi so pa itak zakon. :)

  3. Glede na zvrst nanizank oz. nadaljevank, ki so ti všeč, bi ti mogoče bila tudi Reign itak Game of thrones ;)

    1. Hehe... gledam že obe seriji, Reign je ena izmed najljubših trenutno, GoT pa čakam novo sezono. :D

  4. Jaz tudi nisem gledala nobene izmed teh serij. Bi pa z veseljem pogledala Spartacus, ker je edina ki je končana... Tako da je pristala na mojem seznamu. Hvala za idejo... Komaj čakam na drugi del objave... (:

    1. Če te zanima Rim, gladiatorji, suženjstvo in če te ne moti obilo krvi, klanja in golote, potem je to super serija zate. :D Meni je ravno zaradi teh reči bila tako všeč, ker je nekaj čisto drugega in posebnega, kot vse ostale serije. ;)

      In pa hvala, me veseli, da so ti všeč takšne objave! <3

  5. Ti priporočam serijo, ker je res top! Je horror, ampak ne takšen, da bi imela nočne more... :)

  6. Jaz sploh ne razumem kako nekaterim ni všeč Dracula, meni je odlična! :D Vikings prav tako, komaj čakam na novo sezono! American HS je itak super, meni so bili začetni dele tretje sezone odlični, najboljši od vseh, nato pa so nekako vse čudno zmutili in kar neke napol zgodbe..zadnji del mi je bil okej a na sploh me je malo razočarala glede na to kako zanimiva mi je bila ta sezona na začetku. Od The White Queen sem pa ful pričakovala, ful so mi všeč take serije ampak me je res razočarala :(( x

    1. Tudi jaz ne razumem... :D Ja, AHS je tudi mene razočarala. Na začetku je imela ogromno potenciala in po vseh teaserjih/promotih sem komaj čakala, da se začne, potem se je pa izkazala za tako-tako serijo. Imela je nekaj odličnih trenutkov, ampak vse ostalo je bilo precej zapleteno in skoraj dolgočasno. Bomo videli kako bo z bodočimi serijami... :D
