Urban Decay De-Slick mattifying powder

5. november 2013

Hello my lovelies! Today's the first day of the 'Urban Decay week'. I'll be reviewing two more products this week, so make sure to check back in, if you're interested. :) Today I'll be telling you a bit more about Urban Decay's De-Slick mattifying powder. I've been using this powder for some time now and I've tested it with multiple foundations.

As the name would suggest, it's a mattifying powder and I would say it does a good job at that. Now, I have to warn you right away - if you're looking for a powder that will keep your skin matte all day or at least for a full 8 hours, then this one is not for you. I have combination skin, so my T-zone tends to get oily/shiny throughout the day, especially when I wear liquid foundation. This powder has helped me keep the shine away for about 3-4 hours I would say, then my natural oils start to 'come through' and the skin begins to look shiny. If I reapply the powder, I'll be shine free for another 3-4 hours. So, this powder definitely works, but it's a powder you need to reapply.

So what Maja, do you like this powder or not, I hear you ask. :) Yes, I actually really like this powder. At first I got it because I was interested in its mattifying abilities and if it would really keep the shine away for a long time, but I wasn't really disappointed with it, when I discovered it's not your 'whole-day' mattifying powder, simply because I have never tried a powder that would work like that for my skin. No matter what the claims were, no powder has ever kept my skin shine free all day and I'm totally fine with that. I like a dewy, healthy look to the skin, I don't mind if my natural oils come through and I look a bit shiny or shall we say glowy (my skin never looks 'disco ball shiny'). :)

What I also really like about this powder is that when you apply it over your foundation, it sets it so beautifully and keeps it from moving around or melting off your face. :) I also love that it doesn't give you a powdery look, even when you reapply it. It doesn't cling to every single dry patch and it doesn't make you look white, even though it is a totally white powder. It's really finely milled and I don't really feel it on my skin when I apply it, so it's also very lightweight.

The fact that it has a gorgeous packaging obviously makes it that more pleasant to use. :) But the packaging isn't just good looking - you get a nice mirror and a sponge applicator with it as well (though I never use the sponge to apply it, I love using my Real Techniques Powder brush for it). The price is pretty high for a powder, but I'm in love with all Urban Decay products, so I can justify it - I paid 23.20 € for it on BeautyBay.com

So, what are your thoughts on this powder? Would you like to try it? What's your favorite powder?

8 komentarjev:

  1. Embalaža! <3 Sicer pa zveni dobro, posebej to da nisi cel 'powdery' po nanosu, kar gre meni pri večini ostalih na živce. Bom probala, če bo kdaj priložnost :) Sicer pa so meni bili najboljši od Catrice Skin finish, pa so jih na žalost ukinili (dobro da imam še malo zaloge...) :)

    1. Ja, embalaža je res top! :D Drugače pa je pogosto tako, da ravno najboljše izdelke vržejo iz prodaje...

  2. This sounds great, I hate when I spend so much time making my foundation look as flawless as possible and then my skin gets oily in an hour and it starts to wear off. I'd love to try this powder, especially in the summer!

    Jordan | Boho Vanity

    1. I know what you mean... :) I love this powder, you should definitely try it. :D

  3. Embalaža izgleda res super. Jaz imam matirni puder od Essenca in sem zadovoljna z njim. :)

    1. Res je lepa... :D Od Essence pa nisem še nobenega pudra sprobala se mi zdi...
