Hello my lovelies! I'm very sorry I haven't been posting regularly... I just kind of fell out of the routine and didn't have enough inspiration to write anything (even though I have a ton of products to review for you). :) But enough of that... let's get to the review part shall we? Today I'll be reviewing Avon's Moroccan Argan oil. :D
I've used up probably 3 or more bottles of their Advance Techniques Dry end serum before trying out this oil. I read a few reviews that claimed this oil smelled amazing and that was one of the reasons why I decided to get it. But it was also the fact that everyone seems to be raving about Moroccan argan oil these days and I haven't tried any products with this oil in it or the oil itself.
Now, since I've been using the Advance Techniques Dry end serum for quite some time, I was expecting this product to be something different, something new, something even better. On my very first use I discovered that it was basically the same thing. Not in a bad way though, it's a great product, but it does look exactly the same and smell exactly the same and it even works exactly the same as the Dry end serum. :) The only difference is the color of it - the Dry end serum is clear, has no color to it, whilst this oil has a deep yellow/golden color. And the Dry end serum isn't really a serum in my mind, it's more of an oil because it leaves an oily residue on your hands. So I would have to say that these two items are basically the same thing, the only difference being the color and the name. And maybe this new oil really has some Moroccan argan oil in it, who knows. :D
If I ignore that this new oil is just the old one under a new name, it does work great and I love using it. The instructions say to apply it to towel dried hair, but I actually like to use it on dry hair - after I've blown dry them. I comb them through, then pump some oil on my hands and rub it between them, bend over and throw my hair down, then apply it on the ends (I usually run my hands over the rest of the hair with what's left on them). I then comb my hair again and let the oil absorb. I love the fact that it never leaves my hair oily and I truly believe it helps my ends from splitting and becoming dry. All in all this is wonderful product which I'll probably repurchase. The price is also great - the full price is 6,20 €, on sale it's usually around 4,50 €.
Now, since I've been using the Advance Techniques Dry end serum for quite some time, I was expecting this product to be something different, something new, something even better. On my very first use I discovered that it was basically the same thing. Not in a bad way though, it's a great product, but it does look exactly the same and smell exactly the same and it even works exactly the same as the Dry end serum. :) The only difference is the color of it - the Dry end serum is clear, has no color to it, whilst this oil has a deep yellow/golden color. And the Dry end serum isn't really a serum in my mind, it's more of an oil because it leaves an oily residue on your hands. So I would have to say that these two items are basically the same thing, the only difference being the color and the name. And maybe this new oil really has some Moroccan argan oil in it, who knows. :D
If I ignore that this new oil is just the old one under a new name, it does work great and I love using it. The instructions say to apply it to towel dried hair, but I actually like to use it on dry hair - after I've blown dry them. I comb them through, then pump some oil on my hands and rub it between them, bend over and throw my hair down, then apply it on the ends (I usually run my hands over the rest of the hair with what's left on them). I then comb my hair again and let the oil absorb. I love the fact that it never leaves my hair oily and I truly believe it helps my ends from splitting and becoming dry. All in all this is wonderful product which I'll probably repurchase. The price is also great - the full price is 6,20 €, on sale it's usually around 4,50 €.
So what do you think of this product? Have you tried it or maybe the Dry end serum? Which is your favorite hair oil?
Meni je tale veliko boljši od na primer Moroccan Oil. :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiMoroccan Oil še nisem sprobala, sem pa slišala, da je bolj 'meh'... Pa toliko enega 'hypa' okoli njega. :D
IzbrišiMoji lasje se sploh ne razumejo z Moroccan oil, tega še pa sicer nisem preiskusila no. Sem imela pa tega Dry end, tako da če praviš da sta v bistvu čisto podobna, bom verjetno tega preskočila :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiNe vem, meni je Orofluido res zakon od vseh kar sem jih sprobala :)
Ja, za Orofluido sem slišala, da je super in da diši božansko. :D
IzbrišiSploh ne probaj Morroccan Oila, res je "meh" :)! Tale se pa sliši super, zmeri predstavljaš take zanimive izdelke :)!
Hvala Gita! <3
IzbrišiHvala za primerjavo z zelenim, če sta ista, bom ostala pri tem, ker sem zelo zadovoljna z njim. Kot pravi Sandra, je tudi meni tale Avonov dosti boljši kot Moroccanoil. Ne vem, zakaj slednjega toliko hvalijo, ker se mi ne zdi nič posebnega.
OdgovoriIzbrišiNi za kaj! Ja, tudi jaz ne vem zakaj je Moroccanoil tako prehvaljen...