Too Faced Romantic eye palette

19. avgust 2013

Hello my beauties! :) Today I'll be swatching and reviewing a beautiful eyeshadow palette for you. I got it last month when I made a rather large order at (which is becoming one of my favorite online shopping destinations). I'm an eyeshadow palette junkie so when I saw swatches of this particular palette I knew I had to have it. :)

Until I purchased this palette I only had one palette from Too Faced - the Natural eye kit. I like that palette but it doesn't even come close to my Urban Decay palettes so it has been neglected for quite some time. But recently I started to notice more and more Too Faced palettes popping up when I was browsing through different online shops and I decided I need one. I was deciding between this one and Natural at night, though I was also very tempted by Naked eye and their newest addition, Boudoir eyes. At the end I went for this one. It seemed very pretty and well, romantic. :) The colors seemed really nice and they were something I didn't have in my eyeshadow collection.

The packaging is a square shaped cardboard box that closes with a magnet. It's a very sturdy box that doesn't open easily. As with all Too Faced eyeshadow palettes, you get 3 cards that help you achieve different looks with each row of eyeshadows - so you can create a DAY look, a CLASSIC look or a FASHION look. To be honest I don't really look at these cards and I don't combine eyeshadows from a certain row together, I mix and match as I please, but it may be useful for beginners or someone that has just started using eyeshadow.

You get 9 cool-toned eyeshadows in this palette - 5 of them are matte and 4 are shimmery and most of them are of a pink/purple hue, so if you don't like the way you look in pink or purple, than this is not a palette for you. I myself have dark brown eyes that really pop when I use blue or purple eyeshadow, so I'm very much liking the whole color assembly in this palette. :)

One thing that really impressed me with this palette was the quality. As I've mentioned, I have the Natural eye kit and eyesadows in that palette aren't really all that great quality wise, I mean they are good and still better than most drugstore eyeshadows, but not great. Eyeshadows from this palette are on a whole different level! I wouldn't say that they are as good as Urban Decay eyeshadows but they are really close. :) They're really soft, buttery and very pigmented. I'm very happy with them!

The price is pretty high (as it is with all Too Faced products) - the regular price on is around 31-32 €, but I purchased it on sale for 26.60 €.

SOULMATES - This eyeshadow looks like a creamy white color in the pan but when you swatch it, it actually comes out as a white shimmery eyeshadow with a little pink sheen to it. Feels really soft/buttery and has great color payoff.
I DO - Is a beautiful purple-gray (taupe) color that is completely matte. Has a lovely soft feeling to it and great pigmentation.
UN-VEIL - Is a very dark, black-purple color, also completely matte, feels lovely and has great color payoff.

KISS THE BRIDE - Is a pretty, gentle, girly pink color that is matte. It has a lovely soft, buttery formula but doesn't have the greatest color payoff - you need to build up the color a bit, you don't get enough color with only one swipe. Still, very nice.
CUT THE CAKE - Is a beautiful shimmery, light gray-purple color. The feeling of it is very soft and has great color payoff.
FIRST DANCE - A very dark purple color, matte. Lovely soft feeling, great color payoff.

BOUQUET TOSS - A creamy white-yellow color with a tiny hint of green, matte finish. Very soft and buttery, great pigmentation.
HONEYMOON - Gorgeous shimmery, golden-green color with amazing pigmentation.
EVER AFTER - Another stunning color - shimmery, brown-bronze color, pigmentation out of this world. :)

The last row is probably my favorite, though each and every eyeshadow is beautiful in its own way. :)

What do you think of this palette, is it something for you? Which eyeshadow is your favorite? Have you tried any Too Faced palettes?

16 komentarjev:

  1. Jaz bi tudi to paletko, čudovita je<3 Moram malo pregledat to spletno stran, prvič vidim :) xx

  2. To so pa res same krasne barve. Še posebej I do mi je zelo všeč :)

  3. @Jana - Bi a ne? :) Komaj sem to dobila, pa me že mikajo druge paletke... BeautyBay je pa zakon. :)

    @Sanja - Res so lepe barve!

  4. kakšne lepe barve <3 čudovita paletka, takoj bi jo imela :)

  5. The colors in this are stunning!

  6. @Lux - Res so lepe barve. :)

    @Coco - Jp, it's a beautiful palette. ;)

  7. i'm always drooling with too faced brand~ the packaging is eyecatching~ thanks for sharing <3

  8. wooow, kako kjut paletka :) morem tudi jaz malo pobrskati po tej spletni strani :))

  9. @Erna Wijaya - Jp, they do have wonderful packaging though I believe they are a bit overpriced. :)

    @Julija Toplak - Res je čudovita. :) Kar pobrskaj, ampak da me ne boš potem kregala, ko bo denarnica trpela. :D

  10. Uuu, lepa pigmentacija! Sploh pri matte senčkah tega ne vidiš pogosto...

    Sandra - The Puzzle of Sandra's Life

  11. @Sandra - Ja, mat znajo bit bolj slabe, ampak te so zelo dobre. Ne tako dobre kot UD sencke, ampak zelo dobre. :D

  12. Mah, dej nehi že :D hecam se, res hočem videt to celo tvojo zbirko na enem mestu! Na prvi pogled v paletki senčke sploh ne zgledajo nič posebnega, ampak na roki.. prav lepe in unikatne, se mi zdi da take odtenke redko vidiš.. zdaj jo pa hočem..:(

  13. Hehe... Jah, kaj čm - sm čisti eyeshadow palette junkie. :) Prihaja kmalu objava s celotno zbirko. ;)

  14. čudovita paleta, res mi je všeč (cena malo manj) :D

  15. @Tamara - Res je lepa, cena je pa precej zasoljena (tipično za Too Faced). :)

  16. Absolutno, zato se pa toliko bolj veselimo, če si kaj takšnega 'privoščimo'. :D
