Hello darlings! Today I'd like to show you a gorgeous lipstick I've been absolutely loving this month (and the past month as well - I've mentioned it in my February favorites). I was eagerly awaiting this whole LE Vintage Rose collection from Alverde, I was interested in a bunch of things. In the end though, I only got this lipstick and an eyeliner. But hey... this lipstick turned out to be awesome and I never thought I would get so much wear out of it. :)
The packaging of the lipstick is nothing really impressive but it's also not tacky or cheaply made. The true 'magic' however, lies inside... (uuu, how mysterious I am). :) The shade of the lipstick is absolutely amazing - it is a red shade but strongly leans towards a wine red or even a raspberry red perhaps. And because it's not your typical classic red or one of those 'in-your-face' reds, it's very wearable, even for newbies like me that have just started to venture in the red lipstick world.
The formula is on the dry side - it doesn't dry out my lips but it doesn't feel nourishing at all, so you might want to use a lip balm underneath. Even though it's a dryer lipstick, it still applies with ease and has great pigmentation. I use a lip liner with all my red(ish) lipsticks but you can wear it without one - it's pretty easy to apply and it doesn't bleed much. What I also really love about this lipstick is the way it wears off - it doesn't just disappear but fades gradually, leaving a stain behind. It holds on very well - it 'survived' three meals without disappearing. Oh, and it also has a lovely rose scent to it - really gentle, nothing too overpowering.
I feel like this is one of those shades that can look lovely on practically every skin tone - from porcelain to dark, with yellow, pink or neutral undertones. It's a bold lip color, yet very classy and a bit toned-down. :) I love the quality of the lipstick for such an affordable price (I believe it was around 3 €). I'm not sure, if you can still get it in DM drugstores, I haven't really seen this collection anymore...
What are your thoughts on this lipstick/shade? Do you have it or perhaps another one from this LE?
"uuu, how mysterious I am" hahaha sem se nasmejala temu :D ti paše odtenek :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiMe veseli, da te zabavam... :D Ja, res je čudovit odtenek. Zadnjič sem celo kolegico namazala, ki nikoli ne nosi šminke, pa si je bila všeč. :)
IzbrišiKrasne šminke so bile v tej LE!
OdgovoriIzbrišiVidela sem samo še eno in tudi tisti odtenek mi je bil všeč, ampak tale je pa najlepši... :D
IzbrišiWau,Wau,Wau :D Na ustnicah zgleda čudovita <3 Tkole v embalaži se mi pa ni zdela.
OdgovoriIzbrišiJa, v embalaži res ni tako lepa kot izpade na ustnicah. :D Čudovita je!
IzbrišiRes lep odtenek :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiSe absolutno strinjam! :)
Izbrišikrasen odtenek :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiČudovita šminka je, res... :D
IzbrišiOh ta odtenek je pa prav lep :) Mene na koncu koncev nič ni pritegnilo iz te kolekcije, zdaj ko pa vidim to šminko pa mi je prav žal da je nisem vzela :/
OdgovoriIzbrišiJaz sem mislila, da bom nabavila cel kup reči iz te kolekcije, potem ko sem pa dejansko videla stojalo (ki je bilo precej izropano v večino DM-ih), sem se odločila samo za tole šminko in pa en eyeliner. :)
IzbrišiOh kako čudovit odtenek!<3
OdgovoriIzbrišiA ne? Super je res... :D
IzbrišiJaz še pa nisem ujela te alverde kolekcije ali pa se mi je zmuznila... Šminka je super, komaj čakam na še kakšne šminke, ker eno že imam pa je božanska...
OdgovoriIzbrišiJaz sem jo pa prav čakala... in sem super vesela, da sem 'ujela' to šminko. :D
IzbrišiNisem še nikoli sprobala njihovih šmink, ker me ta znamka nekako sploh ne pritegne, ampak vidim, da moram biti naslednjič bolj pozorna. :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiSandra - The Puzzle of Sandra's Life
Načeloma tudi sama nisem dolgo preizkusila ničesar od te znamke... potem pa sem počasi odkrila njihove deodorante, nato čistilno kremo za obraz, pa masko in sedaj tudi kozmetiko. :) Imajo res nekaj odličnih izdelkov po zelo ugodnih cenah, pa še naravna kozmetika je. :D
IzbrišiUpam, da imajo še kje kakšne 'ostanke'... res je lep ta odtenek. :D