Hello my lovelies! I thought it was about time I did another 'Maja watches/reads/listens' post... most of you seem to like them and I like writing them, so here we go. ;) Today I thought I'd do one about TV shows I just couldn't watch. These are shows I started watching with high hopes but they ended up disappointing me or just didn't intrigue me enough. This is just my personal opinion so don't be offended, if these are one of your favorite TV shows. :)
I started watching fringe last year. I downloaded the first season and actually enjoyed quite a few episodes but then it just started to get so damn complicated and weird. And I'm a girl who loves sci-fi, vampires, werewolfs and all that jazz... but this was just something that I didn't get or at least didn't get along with. I loved the cast, especially Joshua Jackson and John Noble and I loved the way they interacted with one another... but the whole plot/story line was just a bit much for me so I stopped watching it before the first season even ended (I don't know, maybe it got better later, but I probably won't try to find out any time soon).
So many people love or are even obsessed with Revenge but I just couldn't wrap my head around it. I thought it was an awesome TV show, it had (still has) a great IMDB score, so I downloaded a few episodes to see what all the excitement was about. I'm sad to say I didn't even make it through the first episode. I just found it very confusing. I understand it's supposed to be mysterious and of course about revenge, but I feel it's a bit too mysterious so you basically don't know who's who and what's what most of the time... Now, you're probably thinking - Maja, you just watched one episode, not even that and you're saying it's bad?! I know, I know... but I have seen a few more episodes here and there on television and it's still the same - you don't really know what's going on. Plus the whole plotting and scheming all the time is just annoying. I just don't like it... :)
I was in love with this show all throughout the first season. I found it hilarious and very original. I loved the chemistry between Nick and Jess and the whole '3 guys living with 1 girl' thing... it was awesome. The kiss scene between Nick and Jess deserves a 'best kiss award' or something but unfortunately... it all went down hill after that. After Nick and Jess got together (which I was all for) everything got a bit weird... and not in a funny, good way. Then the whole Cece not marrying that guy because she was in love with Schmidt, but he was with his ex... I don't know, it just kind of fell apart for me. And not just the relationships, the lines weren't as good and it became more stupid than funny. So... I stopped watching it. Such a shame, I think the show really had potential to be something amazing.
I was really excited about this new CW show. Of all the new ones that were coming this one seemed the most interesting and original. Unfortunately it turned out to be quite a disappointment for me. And it's not even that the show is terrible or anything like that, there's just something missing... The acting isn't all that great, the chemistry is a bit flimsy and the whole plot/story line becomes a bit boring. This could be such an exciting, action/romance packed TV show, but somehow they didn't capture that. It seems to be more about certain characters and their memories, fatherless childhood and all that depressing stuff. I tried watching it for as long as I could, but then I just gave up. :)
I have a huge girl crush on Jeniffer Love Hewitt so I just had to check out this show. I really liked the Ghost Whisperer, even though it wasn't all that amazing, it was a nice, one could even say family show - always a happy ending. The Client List however has some other happy endings in mind... if you know what I mean. :) I always found Jennifer Love Hewitt to be a very 'womanly' woman, very sexy and just gorgeous, so I thought she would be perfect for a show like this. And it turned out she is/was. I thoroughly enjoyed the first season of it, even though it was a mediocre show at best, I found it very interesting and fresh. But as soon as the first season ended and the second one started, it all went down hill... I also read that it was being canceled after the second season, so I decided to drop it there and leave with good memories of the first season.
This is a new TV show, it aired last year and it's only on its 2nd season. I discovered it recently and decided to give it a go... I kind of liked the pilot, it was interesting, especially when I saw Jenna Dewan Tatum was playing one of the main characters. The two brothers are also mighty fine and the whole witching thing got me interested so I decided to watch a couple more episodes and see where it takes me. Unfortunately I soon discovered it wasn't all that good. The acting is really, really bad and I mean REALLY BAD. I find Julia Ormond's strange ameri-english accent terribly annoying. Special effects are horrible and when I take all these things into account, the two brothers just aren't hot enough for me to keep on watching this show. :) I tried, really I did... I just can't.
What do you think of these TV shows? Which ones have you found hard to watch or simply couldn't watch?
Se strinjam z vsem kar si napisala. Revenge je tudi mene razočarala in client list prva sezona je bila zakon, pol pa je tudi meni postala nezanimiva.
OdgovoriIzbrišiTočno tako... :S
IzbrišiZa New Girl je res škoda, da ni več tako dobra kot je bila :( Jaz še vseeno gledam ampak ni to to :/
OdgovoriIzbrišiRes škoda... ker so mi bili res tako všeč vsi igralci in takšne originalne fore so imeli, potem je vse šlo v maloro. Sem se nekaj posilila gledat 2. sezono, potem se pa obupala.
IzbrišiSe popolnoma (!) strinjam s tabo glede New Girl, meni je bla res zaaakon serija, neki originalnega, všečnega, zdej pa sploh ne gledam več, se mi zdi, da so res slabo tole izpeljal..
OdgovoriIzbrišiRes mi je škoda te serije... :S
IzbrišiFringe-a sem pogledala celega in meni je bil všeč :) Je pa res, da šele na koncu zadnje sezone razjasnijo veliko večino stvari o katerih se sprašuješ med serijo. Jaz sem se Walterju toliko nasmejala :D Gledla sem kakšna dva dela Revenge-a ampak samo tako na fitnesu in se mi je zdelo zanimivo, The new girl pa prav tako, nisem si ju pa nikdar naložila in gledala, ker nista še prišli na vrsto, zdaj ko si ju pa tako omenila, bodo verjetno še kar čakale :))
OdgovoriIzbrišiJa, saj serija kot takšna sploh ni bila slaba in odnosi med glavnimi liki so mi bili zelo všeč... samo pač vsa ta 'skrivnostnost' in čudni pojavi so mi malo presedli, zato sem nekako opustila serijo.
IzbrišiEnim je Revenge top, meni gre na živce oz. je nekako res ne morem gledat, sploh se mi zdi, da zaradi tega maščevanja in spletkarjenja.
New Girl je cela 1. sezona super, potem so pa zafrknili vse skupaj... :S
New Girl sem tudi jaz gledala samo prvo sezono, ostale pa niti začela nisem. :P
OdgovoriIzbrišiNiti ne rabiš, ti bo tako v dobrem spominu ostala. ;)
IzbrišiI agree with you about new girl! I'm hoping to find some time I might be able to sit and try and get into it again. It was so good at the start!
Yeah, the whole first season was great... :D
IzbrišiFringe is something I never got round to watching but I totally agree with new girl I only watched the first series.
OdgovoriIzbrišiAs for revenge I sit every week and watch it but still haven't got a bloody clue what's going on
Yeah, it's really such a shame for New Girl... :S And thanks for confirming my thoughts on Revenge, it really is too complicated... :D
IzbrišiNew Girl & Revenge jaz sicer še gledam (ravno danes sem nadoknadila s slednjo) in mi ni slabo, čeprav je od začetka res bilo boljše. TP sem kmalu nehala, me ni potegnal. Pa jaz bi dodala še Once Upon a Time, ki je bil prvo sezono topšit, druge pa nisem več gledala z veseljem.
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Meh... jst sm kr obupala nad New Girl, Revenge sem pa opustila še preden se dobro začela gledat. :) Za Tomorrow People sem imela res visoka pričakovanja, na koncu pa je izpadla precej nezanimiva serija... Once Upon a Time sem tudi jaz gledala prvo sezono in mi je bila d bomb, potem je šlo pa vse navzdol. Tu je nisem omenila samo zato, ker sem jo že v enem od prejšnjih postov. :)