Antipodes Grace Gentle Cream Cleanser

24. januar 2014

Hello my lovelies! Today I'll be reviewing Antipodes Grace gentle cream cleanser. I bought it a while ago, along with the Aura Manuka Honey mask (which I love). I'm a true die-hard fan of the Liz Earle Cleanse & Polish hot cloth cleanser and I still haven't found a cleanser that would work as good as this one does, but that doesn't stop me from searching. :) I really like to test out skin care products, especially cleansers in hope of finding the best new thing. I thought I'd give this one a try and see how it would work for my skin...

Unfortunately we did not get along... my skin really did not like this cleanser. And the strange part about this is that I don't really know why, it's quite strange - when I apply this cleanser to my skin and start massaging it in, my skin starts to experience a slight burning sensation, it's really mild but enough that it doesn't feel very pleasant. It's not an allergic reaction because my skin does not become itchy or red or anything, it just doesn't seem to like the cleanser, maybe it's one of the ingredients or something (even though the ingredients are really nice). I tried it a couple of times in hopes of a different outcome, but that strange burning sensation is always present so I decided to stop using it.

The other two things that I dislike about this cleanser is the scent and it's makeup removing properties. The scent is very strange in my opinion - it kind of smells like sunscreen, which surprised me since all other Antipodes products have such lovely scents to them. That said, it's not a terrible scent or anything, it's just not pleasant.

As far as it's makeup removing properties go... they are... shall we say weak? It does take off makeup like foundation, blush, bronzer and such, but it does struggle a lot with eye makeup and it did burn my eyes a bit as well. However, to be fair, this is a gentle cleanser - cleanser, not makeup remover, so you shouldn't expect it to be excellent at removing makeup, I just wanted to test it out because I love to have a cleanser and makeup remover in one. As a gentle, daily cleanser I would say it does a great job and leaves the skin nice and soft.

The price is pretty high as it is with all Antipodes products - I paid 31.24 € for it. If it would work for my skin, I wouldn't mind the high price but since my skin doesn't get along with, I won't be repurchasing it. And because I feel it would be such a shame to let it go to waste I'd like to give you a chance to win it - who knows maybe your skin will love it. :) 
*EDIT* giveaway ended 

17 komentarjev:

  1. Ah, kakšna škoda. Pa še drag je bil. No, pa saj je dosti drugih stvari za sprobat :)

  2. Res škoda, sama imam z Antipodes same super izkušnje. No, priznam, od Manuka maske sem pričakovala več. Kar se pa look-ov tiče mi je pa bolj všeč drugi, subtilni :).


    1. Ja, to je eden in edini izdelek, ki me je razočaral oz. ki ne paše moji koži, vsi ostali so super. :)

      Drugače pa je bilo vprašanje glede slik bolj glede postavitve, ozadja - prva je ob oknu, druga možnost je pa 'nova', ker sem dala fotoaparat na stojalo in slikala iz mize, nekako bolj od blizu. :D

    2. Hahah, ok, narobe razumela :D. Vidiš, tak fajn make-upi da je bla to prva asociacija :P. Ah, obe postavitvi sta fajn. Keep up the good work :)!


  3. Meni je verzija slik z "lesenim" ozadjem bolj všeč :P

  4. Joj krneki, da peče :/ Glede na to, da je gentle si res ne bi mislila :(
    Meni sta oba všeč a vseeno se malo bolj nagibam k tistim, kjer imaš rdečo šminko :) Je boljša svetloba :) x

    1. Ja, kolikor sem brala ocene drugih blogerjev in kupcev na Feelunique, so vse zadovoljne, tako da pač očitno nekaj draži mojo kožo... Mogoče bo pa kateri od vas zelo všeč tale zadevica. ;D

      Hvala za feedback glede slik... Ja, svetloba je definitivno boljša pri tistih slikah, kjer imam zavese za sabo, ker stojim tik ob oknu. Bom morala nekaj novega zgruntat... :)

  5. Škoda ker ti ne ustreza :(
    Glede MU slik so pa meni malenkost bolj všeč tiste z belim ozadjem, pred zaveso :)

    1. Eh, se zgodi... :D

      Hvala za feedback glede slik! :)

  6. Meni je všeč bolj bold make up na tebi.
    Drugače pa res škoda, da ti ne ustreza :/

  7. Hi!
    I love this makeup photos: That red lipstick is beautiful and it looks great on you! :)

  8. Meni je tudi boljše pred zaveso, pri lesenem ozadju mi barve delujejo mal sprano :)

  9. Woohoo, pa mi je enkrat ratalo :)! Hvala Maja :).

